Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Title (Goal)Integrate use of ORCID personal identifiers
Primary ActorAdmin
ScopeMetadata Model, User Interface
LevelSummary level - no specific integration recommendations
Story (A paragraph or two describing what happens)

Open Contributor Researcher Identifiers remove the ambiguity of personal name literals, as used in metadata describing objects in the system.

The system will support the use of these unambiguous identifiers and the services that they enable.

1 Comment

  1. A compreensive set of use cases for ORCID and DSpace was presented at There is many add-value byond ORCID personal identifier function. This added value should be captured in the next versions of DSpace.