This is a deletable stub, but the Hydra-in-a-Box TAG mooted the idea of ldpath or the like as a minimal practical interface for Fedora repositories.

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  1. Wait, LDPath over the whole repo or over individual resources (a la fcrepo-transform)?

    1. Yes, excellent question. I'll ask Trey and Andrew if they remember.

      1. The desire I heard was to have ldpath act on an extended graph rooted at a target resource... which is slightly more than F4 currently provides.

        1. Six kinds of -1. That's not a reasonable demand to make to make on simple impls. That's definitely the job of sidecar indexing machinery.

  2. Benjamin Armintor, Would you be ok deleting this "deletable stub" wiki page?

    1. I'd like to leave it open a little longer, if nothing else to tombstone it. I want to make sure we've gotten the feedback from the TAG people, at least.

      1. Whatever we do, we can take this as a potential idea for a Camel effort / recipe / something, or some other approach. It's a super cool idea-- it just doesn't belong to the core. As a passing note, what's being asked for here is essentially what the Apache Stanbol Entityhub component does today, so the TAG folks might find some inspiration / utility there.