Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.


Angular meeting



REST meeting



  • Refactoring/Restructuring endpoints to be clustered by topic/section.  For example:/api/eperson/groups  /api/eperson/epersons. PR created after meeting:
  • Andrea working on Browse system/endpoint (list of endpoints available, title, author, etc). Two ways this could be implemented:

    • One option: use Repository pattern. Repository responsible to retrieve items. Used much in Spring Data REST project. Not favored by Andrea

      • URL pattern ends up like this: /api/core/items/search/browse?index=title
    • Second option: dedicated classes to manage the link. Better separation of concern. Easier to extend.
      • Andrea prefers this & this is the architecture of Katharsis
      • URL pattern ends up like this: /api/discover/browse/title/items
    • Andrea hopes to have done by next meeting. Includes both Browse & Top Communities
  • No other updates to share at this time. Further updates will be shared on Slack between now and next week, as needed.