Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.


(Rescheduled from Aug 24th cause of several team members being unavailable on that date)

Discussion (combined Angular UI & REST meeting)



  • Meeting today will concentrate on MyDSpace and Submission mockups from 4Science:

    • My DSpace Mockup: MyDSpace as a dashboard
      • Concerns about using a table structure. Is this mobile friendly?
        • 4Science will work on mockups for how this could look on mobile
      • Possibly look at a list view (similar to search results) for mobile
      • The "order by last update" sidebar in the detailed view, is this really necessary?  Couldn't we simply provide a next/previous paging mechanism to page through the detailed view of the current set of submissions?
    • Submission Wizard Mockup: Submission wizard
      • Accordian is collapsible panes/panels

      • Implement in small stages (not all at once). Need an ongoing feedback loop as there are a lot of areas that usability could fall down.

      • Discussion of "Add More" dropdown and how that works. It's meant to add in optional "sections".  When a section is added, that may require additional fields (e.g. an "Indexing" section may require an abstract. If the "Indexing" section is itself optional, that means abstract isn't required. However, once that "Indexing" section is enabled, the abstract would be required
        • This is the idea of optional Panels which may have required fields within them. Panels are a way to "group" related fields.
      • Mockup for File/Access Rights Panel is forthcoming
      • Mockup for how to determine what is required for a complete submission
  • Next Steps
    • Update mockups of MyDSpace and Submission based on feedback
    • Atmire will have Search UI mockups ready for review on Thurs