
Islandora Badges displays various metrics (and other) badges on objects. Each badge is created by a submodule. Available badges include:

Badges will only display on objects that have a MODS datastream and a DOI (digital object identifier). The xpath to the DOI field is configurable.


This module requires the following modules/libraries:


Release Notes and Downloads


Configuration path is admin/islandora/tools/badges (Administration > Islandora > Islandora Utility Modules > Islandora Badges Configuration).

There are two administration fields:

Enabling Display

In order to display the badge, you'll need to configure the block. The path is admin/structure/blocks (Administration > Structure > Blocks)

Locate the badge you wish to display (e.g. "Islandora Altmetrics Badge") and select the region you want to display it in, and save.

Example: You should then see the badge you selected in the region of choice..