
Docker Image Source

This repository contains an issue list of enhancement ideas.

Published Docker Images

Technical Support and Project Communication

#dspace-docker Slack Channel

Next Steps

  1. Restructure the GitHub repository as follows
    1. dockerfiles
    2. docker-compose-files
    3. add-ons (scripts, mounts, etc)
    4. documentation
  2. Publish docker images for the most recent DSpace releases
    1. dspace-6.3
    2. dpsace-5.9
    3. dspace-4.9
  3. Request agenda time on the July 25 Developer meeting to discuss next steps
    1. Automate image publishing for the current active branches (integrate with travis).  
      1. master
      2. dspace-6_x
      3. dspace-5_x
      4. dspace-4_x
      5. Note: determine if our plans will require paid dockerhub features
    2. Configuring Teams on Dockerhub, reviewing permissions
    3. Setting standards for published Docker images (documentation, etc)