We recorded several youtube videos (available here) which walk through setup and installation details and basic features of Vitro and VitroLib. An example installation would require installing the appropriate Java JDK (1.8 or higher), Tomcat, Maven, and MySQL (if using SDB).  After downloading and cloning VitroLib (https://github.com/ld4l-labs/vitrolib off the develop branch for HipHop and ARM and off the feature/ArtFrame branch for ArtFrame-specific forms) and the LD4L-Labs fork of the Vitro  (https://github.com/ld4l-labs/Vitro off the develop branch) directory in sibling directories, you will need to copy installer/example-settings.xml to installer/settings.xml and specify the “home directory” where you would like the application to store the RDF needed for the application as well as other data and images.  

Since we experimented with three use cases (where ArtFrame and RareMat forms share ontology files), we have three different sets of RDF generated from and informed by the SHACL application profiles for these use cases. Once you have run the maven install command (“mvn clean install -s installer\settings.xml”) from the main VitroLib directory, you will see directories installed in your home directory. When deploying from the develop branch, these directories include two separate directories entitled rdf and HipHoprdf.  If you wish to experiment with the ontologies and forms for Hip Hop, you will have to rename HipHoprdf to “rdf” after renaming the original "rdf" directory to some other name before starting Tomcat. Otherwise, the configuration RDF and ontologies in the system correspond to ARM. When deploying from the feature/ArtFrame branch, the rdf directory will contain configuration for forms specific to ArtFrame.  

If, on starting up the system, you see the default Vitro theme, please go to Site Admin and click on Site information which should show "vitrolib" in the dropdown for available themes.