Welcome to the website of Linked Data for Production Phase 2 (LD4P2). With support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the LD4P2 partners (Cornell University, Harvard University, Stanford University, and the University of Iowa), in collaboration with the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), are building a pathway for the cataloging community to begin shifting to linked data to describe library resources.

  • the creation of a continuously fed pool of linked data expressed in BIBFRAME from a core group of academic libraries
  • development of a cloud-based sandbox editing environment in support of an expanded cohort of libraries to create and reuse linked data
  • the development of policies, techniques and workflows for the automated enhancement of MARC data with identifiers to make its conversion to linked data as clean as possible
  • the development of policies, techniques, and workflows for the creation and reuse of linked data and its supporting identifiers as libraries’ core metadata
  • better integration of library metadata and identifiers with the Web through collaboration with Wikidata
  • the enhancement of a widely-adopted library discovery environment (Blacklight) with linked-data based discovery techniques
  • the orchestration of continued community collaboration through the development of an organizational framework called LD4, ensuring continued exchange of ideas and techniques across a distributed developing community