
Sept 17-28, 2018


  1. Graham Triggs
  2. Andrew Woods
  3. Mike Conlon (Second week: September 24-28, documentation, testing)
  4. Qazi Asim Ijaz Ahmad (Not sure about the dates yet. Would like to work on Elastic Search with Don)
  5. Kitio Fofack mainly on i18n (available for the sprint)
  6. Christian Hauschke (2nd week, i18n)
  7. Ralph O'Flinn
  8. Brian Lowe
  9. Don Elsborg
  10. Steven McCauley
  11. Manuel Schwarz


2018-09-17 Sprint - Kickoff Meeting


Scrum Board

Elasticsearch / Solr Upgrade


  1. Don Elsborg (CU Boulder)
  2. Qazi Asim Ijaz Ahmad
  3. Steven McCauley


  1. Integrated elastic index in VIVO to support facetview UI used by Unavco, CU Boulder, DCO

  2. Brings index work from Product Evolution group closer to the VIVO core

  3. Deliver more structured and rich json and eventually json-ld documents from VIVO's indexes for web consumers


  1. Discuss/Analyze/Document the ElasticSearch work done by individual sites.

    1. Which sites?
  2. Create a design for externalized search
    1. Support ElasticSearch (v6.4.0)
    2. Support Solr (7.4.0 & 4.10?)
  3. Implement externalized search
    1. Initial Solr work from Huda
    2. Initial ElasticSearch work from Jim
  4. Create instructions on how to make YOUR VIVO installation work with Elastic (on the assumption that Solr will still be the default).

Second priority deliverables

  1. Analyze how to build a nested json-doc that represents an object ( person, publication, grant, etc ) in the index ( both SOLR or Elastic )

  2. Lay groundwork for analysis of incorporating semantics ( json-ld, other ) in the indexed document. Mapping the objects from VIVO-ISF to an indexed semantic document would need to involve the ontology group

  3. Request: keeping the delivered Elasticsearch integration backwards compatible with VIVO 1.9.3 and 1.8.x – could be valuable

Relevant docs


Multi-Language Support


  1. Christian Hauschke
  2. Kitio Fofack
  3. Ralph O'Flinn
  4. Manuel Schwarz


Implement full i18n proof on concept on a simple form. The form should be able to display data according to the selected language but also to save them in the database in respect to the language currently selected.


  1. Identify all places in code/freemarker/jsp that need extraction
  2. Extracting from above into i18n files
  3. Create the translations (English, German, French)
  4. Improve toggling mechanism (do not use flags)
  5. Improve technical documentation for adding new languages

Future issues

  1. Rectifying differences in grammar
  2. Pluralization - need appropriate infrastructure

ABox / TBox RDF Loading


  1. Don Elsborg
  2. Brian Lowe
  3. Mike Conlon


  1. Identify and understand current documentation
    1. Accessing VIVO Data Models#InitializingtheModels
    2. Directories and Files
    3. Graph Reference
    4. Ontology Reference
  2. Understand and Document recommendations for updating and overriding `firsttime` and `everytime` RDF files
  3. Understand and Document how this RDF data is organized in the content and configuration triple stores


  1. Documentation of Content, Structure, Purpose, etc of `firstime` / `everytime` RDF files
  2. Documentation of where `firsttime` / `everytime` RDF is loaded (which triplestores), and why
  3. Documentation of use cases for updating `firsttime` / `everytime` RDF files
  4. Documentation of recommendations for above use cases