
Call-in Information

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

To join the online meeting:


Development Process


(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Andrew Woods 
  2. Jim Blake

  3. Tim Worrall

  4. Huda Khan  

  5. Don Elsborg (star)

  6. Brian Lowe

  7. Ralph O'Flinn

  8. Kristina Cottingham

  9. Joel Richard

  10. Steven McCauley
  11. @Svantje Lilienthal
  12. Benjamin Gross


  1. Sprint update
    1. i18n
    2. Externalized Search
    3. ABox / TBox
  2. 1.10 

    1. bugs (1.10.1?)

    2. Plans for a 1.10.1 patch release

  3. Advanced Role Management 3-day fiesta!
  4. ORCID integration
  5. Recent mailing list topics:
    1. No Subject - csv ingest
    2. Add Handle Support in VIVO?
    3. Adding External Vocabularies
    4. Answered. Nice work, team!
      1. Accounts creation via Sparql Update API - thanks Jim Blake 
      2. How to add corresponding name to a language tag? - thanks Benjamin Gross
      3. VIVO COMMITTEE ENTITY - thanks Marijane White


Draft notes in Google-Doc


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