
Call-in Information

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

To join the online meeting:


Development Process


(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Huda Khan

  2. Ralph O'Flinn 

  3. Benjamin Gross 

  4. Jim Blake (star) 

  5. Muhammad Javed 

  6. Don Elsborg 

  7. Andrew Woods


  1. Advanced Role Management 3-day fiesta!

    1. Oct 24th - 26th, come join the fun
  2. Technical questions

    1.  - "Removing the ${blankSentinel} value on line 117 of personHasAdvisorRelationship.ftl fixes the problem... but I'm not sure what blankSentinel is supposed to be doing."
  3. Done?

    1.  - Application RDF Files
  4. In-Review

  5. 1.10 

    1. bugs (1.10.1?)

    2. Plans for a 1.10.1 patch release

  6. In Limbo
  7. Recent mailing list topics:
    1. Update from Ontology group? - Add Handle Support in VIVO?


Draft notes in Google-Doc


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