The metadatavalue table is an important table in DSpace because it holds the metadata values of DSpace objects (ie. article title, authors, identifiers). The table uses the so-called EAV (Entity-attribute-value) model as further explained in this article.

All the metadata is:

In the past, up to and including DSpace 4, the metadatavalue table used to hold metadata only for items. In DSpace 5 and later, it holds the metadata for all DSpace objects (definition: bitstream, bundle, item, collection, community, site, group, eperson).

The EAV model

The table doesn't model the metadata fields (e.g. dc.title, dc.relation.uri, ...) as column names (called attributes in the relation model), but uses the EAV (Entity-attribute-value) model instead, modeling the field name itself as a value in the metadata_field_id column.

The EAV model is typically used for modeling sparse matrices (tables where there is a large ratio of NULL cells to cells containing data). But the reason why it is used in DSpace is that it makes changing the metadata schema (adding/removing fields) easier to do in the application (DSpace) rather than the database (where DDL must be used, which may take a long time and typically makes the table unavailable until the operation is completed). Adding/removing metadata fields is thus effectively a routine user operation (available to what DSpace calls the "Administrators" group) rather than a task for the sysadmin of the DSpace server.

Metadata in DSpace: schema and fields registry, values

The typical operation is to look up a certain metadata value for a DSpace object with a given ID (DSpace 6+ uses a UUID in the dspace_object_id column, DSpace 5 uses an integer in the resource_id column). First, we find the metadata field in the metadata registry. Say, we're looking for the metadata value (the list of authors) of an item (resource_type_id = 2) with a given ID (dspace_object_id='f2cf9909-0357-4037-8305-4a426bf9a826') where the metadata field is "". First, we look up the ID of the "dc" schema in the metadataschemaregistry table (example code for DSpace 6+):

SELECT metadata_schema_id
FROM metadataschemaregistry
WHERE short_id = 'dc';

This gives us metadata_schema_id of "1". Next, we look up the metadata field "" in the metadatafieldregistry table. We use the metadata_schema_id of the "dc" schema we just found, we query for element = 'contributor' and qualifier = 'author':

SELECT metadata_field_id
FROM metadatafieldregistry
WHERE metadata_schema_id = 1
AND element = 'contributor'
AND qualifier = 'author';

This gives us the metadata_field_id value of "9". Finally, we can use this value to ask for the metadata field containing authors in the metadatavalue table:

SELECT text_value
FROM metadatavalue
WHERE metadata_field_id = '9'
AND dspace_object_id='f2cf9909-0357-4037-8305-4a426bf9a826';

The same, written as a single query:

SELECT text_value
FROM metadatavalue
WHERE metadata_field_id = (
  SELECT metadata_field_id
  FROM metadatafieldregistry, metadataschemaregistry
  WHERE metadatafieldregistry.metadata_schema_id = metadataschemaregistry.metadata_schema_id
  AND short_id = 'dc'
  AND element = 'contributor'
  AND qualifier = 'author'
AND dspace_object_id='f2cf9909-0357-4037-8305-4a426bf9a826';

The rows returned by the query will contain all the authors of the item in the text_value column.

If you use these queries often and in an ad-hoc manner, you may find it helpful to use these snippets of SQL as functions. You can find the definitions here: Helper SQL functions for DSpace 6

SELECT text_value
FROM metadatavalue
WHERE metadata_field_id = ds6_metadata_field2id('contributor', 'author')
AND dspace_object_id='f2cf9909-0357-4037-8305-4a426bf9a826';

See also