<ac:structured-macro ac:name="anchor" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="23f01713-8408-44c2-835e-69b791769a13"><ac:parameter ac:name="">_x35nf77d0b64</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro>Notes from ARK "Experts" meetings, March 22 and June 11, 2018
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="anchor" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="c2c6f00e-96f9-4592-a12a-4a9262c0667f"><ac:parameter ac:name="">_adntgew7qmo1</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro>\\
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="anchor" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="9cf81767-17b1-40e7-8f9d-85e7c886637d"><ac:parameter ac:name="">_6syi5zeaaddn</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro>ARK Experts Day
@ National Library of France (BnF)
March 22nd 2018
\[ Discussions are _noted in italics_ to distinguish them from the original agenda. Notes have not been edited. \]

1. ARK specification change proposals

(present IETF draft at {+}https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kunze-ark-18+)

    1. Goals of changes to the spec
      1. fix what's broken, if anything
      2. remove barriers to acceptance
      3. move from Draft to RFC

5+1 proposed changes:

  1. Literal character repertoire changes: allow '~', but disallow '#' (which is is reserved in URIs fragments and LOD).

  1. Make the first '/' optional, so that ark:/12345/678 is equivalent to ark:12345/678. This would match a near universal practice in other id schemes, and is a commonplace and understandable mistake that currently penalizes ARK users and potential adopters.
  2. Parsers (resolvers) should check for inflections (final punctuation character combinations) before normalization of final structural characters ('/' and '.'), for example, given "ark:/12345/678./", parsers should check if "./" is an inflection and only normalize to "ark:/12345/678" if no inflection is matched

  1. Make the NAAN more flexible – instead of just 5 digits or 9 digits, allow any "beta-numeric" string (defined to be the same as noid repertoire: bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxz0-9) with no runs of adjacent letters longer than two, eg, ark:/bc8/… but not ark:/bcd8/….

  1. Update our understanding of what it means for metadata returned by inflections ('?' and '??') in 2018 to be both human- and machine-readable. In 2003, a simple email-header format (eg, ANVL) served both purposes, but now it is common to see a human-readable HTML landing page with machine-readable metadata embedded in it (where it doesn't interfere with the user experience).

  1. Max link length for the ARKs : now 128 digit limit

2. Counting ARKs project

It is a feature of ARKs that there's no centralized maintenance authority, but that makes it difficult to count how many ARKs there are in the world. We propose an easy way for registered ARK implementers – those who are willing – to post a small JSON or YAML file (eg, at a well-known URL path) containing a date and an estimated number of ARKs published. Such files would be harvested to obtain a base total.

3. Persistence statements

It has long been said that ARKs should provide a commitment or policy statement on demand from the current archival institution (object provider, name mapping authority). The day when this becomes true is closer with publication of "Persistence Statements: Describing Digital Stickiness" ({+}https://datascience.codata.org/articles/10.5334/dsj-2017-039/+). The paper proposes certain controlled vocabulary terms as building blocks for exactly this purpose. All that is lacking is to select, review, and revise the terms (which we can evolve ourselves in a crowdsourced metadata dictionary), and finally test and propose as a community consensus.

_\[ NOTE: this call was postponed pending establishment of the ARKs-in-the-Open working groups \]_

4. Towards ARK sustainability

Any persistent identifier system maintained solely by one organization is vulnerable, and ARK is no exception. CDL is seeking guidance on sustainability of the ARK "infrastructure" and on building a coalition of organizations with shared responsibility and governance. The ARK infrastructure includes the specification, the NAAN registry, the arks-forum googlegroup, and the N2T.net resolver (code, admin scripts, and primary and secondary servers).

5. ARK survey: joint BnF-CDL proposal

BnF and CDL would like to feedback on a proposed online survey to get a better understanding of the different ARK implementations.

6. Wrap-up

ACTIONS By May 22, 2018

Follow up telecon 2018 June 16

— 2018.06.11 Notes from ARK experts group meeting —
// Attending
Sébastien Peyrard
Bertrand Caron
Jean-Philippe Tramoni
Adrien Di Mascio
Sheila Morrissey
Amy Kirchhoff
Pascale Montmartin
John Deck
Mark Phillips
// Agenda + notes
1. ARKs-in-the-Open (AitO) project update
Advisory Group to meet in next 4-7 weeks
Working groups to be launched: technical, outreach, financial/sustainability
3. Keeping momentum for the ARK Experts Day ad hoc group
- collaboration pros and cons (eg, is there something urgent we need
done soon?)
- should we offer outcomes to seed AitO working groups?
- should we offer ourselves to seed AitO working groups?
ARKsInTheOpen.org has all the info
Great deal of overlap between this group and the expected working groups from AitO.
The Experts Group is fine using our outcomes to feed into the working groups, and volunteer to carry our work forward in the context of the AitO project.
2. ARK usage survey review – next steps
SP: Thanks to all for the draft survey comments. BnF is ok letting this survey be carried forward in a future outreach working group. Survey specialists have had a chance to review it as well. There will also be a French version of the survey.
JK: If the working groups don't form in a way that's to our liking we can always resume our Experts Group meetings. I don't expect that outcome, but there are elements that we cannot control.
SP: We will have to consider where the survey will be hosted.
BC: Meanwhile, BnF will move forward in setting up the French-speaking forum.
4. Other items
SM: It seems like a good idea to do a brief talk at iPres about some of our activities. I could to draft something in response to a recent call and send it to this group for review.
JK: +1!
JD: It would be great to have a single place to go for information about ARKs.
JK: I hope the outreach group can direct the building out of arks.org (currently pointing to n2t.net).
5. Around the room:
Confirmed that everyone is ok to wait for the AitO working groups and merge our efforts with theirs.