
Time: 9am - 3pm Central Daylight Time US (UTC-5)


Washington Boulevard Executive Center
4818 Washington Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63108

Audio Conference: TBD





Agenda/ Notes 

Designing a Migration Path - collection of project resources

9:00-9:15Welcome, agenda review

Discussion. 'Ah Ha!' moments after reading. Any surprises?

10:30 - 11:45

Survey distribution timeline (one month behind sched) and strategy

Idea to deliver a webinar as project update and to kick off survey distribution.

Draft survey preamble: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vsg4NGJ5aDfwQfp63JG4jCgXtyAb37xnfq6K4_BUs5k/edit

Distribution to lists: Samvera-Tech, Samvera-Community, Digital-Curation, Code4Lib, DLF, PASIG, Fedora-Community, Islandora-Community, Islandora-Dev.

Personal solicitations for survey from advisory group members? Volunteers?

Timeline for keeping survey open: Two weeks? With reminders during period. Schedule and draft text and assignments.

11:45 - 1:00Lunch
1:00 - 2:30

Planning next steps:

Secondary consultation with Samvera, Islandora and Fedora Communities after survey results come back. Advisory board members will receive a summary of anonymized survey results. We will speak to each advisory board member if there are gaps in the data set (e.g. things we thought we would see that we didn't) and surprises in the data set. Feedback will be documented and included in the final report.

Action- provide timeline for setting up individual meetings with Advisory Board members

Action - Determine timeline for next series of virtual meetings in May/June. Get it on our calendars.

2:30 - 3:00

Final Report / Report out at OR in June 2019


  • What needs to be in there for it to be useful? For you, what would mean success or failure?
  • How can we use our findings to pursue an IMLS project grant in Aug/September?
  • Who will be at OR in Germany? Want to participate in presentation?
  • Any other events where we can propose presentations delivered by advisory board members?

