
Time: 9am - 3pm Central Daylight Time US (UTC-5)


Washington Boulevard Executive Center
4818 Washington Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63108

URL: https://duraspace.zoom.us/my/fedora

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Meeting ID: 812 835 3771
International numbers available: https://duraspace.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=dLuIIwXLUv5-UK4kIXYkkH9mryRETY08




Welcome, introductionsAll9:00 - 9:15

Strategic plan

  • Reports from each group in a pre-meeting report
  • Notes from chairs check-in meeting
  • Gaps and requests from each sub-group - what else can we do in 2019 to implement the plan?
  • Recruiting more sub-group members to move this work forward

9:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:45

Product position discussion

  • Review the white paper which summarizes the work done by the product position group.
  • What is the value proposition for Fedora?
  • What are we trying to work toward?

10:45 - 12:00
12:00 - 1:30

Technical roadmap

  • Releasing the Fedora API Specification 1.0
  • Fedora 6.0 design summary
  • Does the Fedora 6.0 design align with our strategic priorities?
  • What else do we need to do in 2019 to implement the technical roadmap?

1:30 - 2:45
2:45 - 3:00



Google doc for notes

Strategic Plan

Report outs and communication plan https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YH3uNxFXPgrRlOv3Nh8z6I3bWCVyC2k6jY21DFjzLvI/edit#gid=0

Product Technology - DW

Community - EP

Can we talk about what we want from Fedora and product position, rather than talk around it? - RM

If we don’t have use cases, then we don’t need it - RR

If this group can’t generate use cases, then we can’t expect if from others - SC

Use cases discussion and communicating what we are doing to our stakeholders, too. - so many folks

Open Platform? - MY

Need something for people to react to  - ET

Do we have to look more vertically at the stack and see where Fedora plays a role? (Star in constellation) - TS

If you can pull a thing out and nothing changes, then that is one less thing to worry about or pay for? - PY

How to build and articulate role? - TS

Can we develop use cases that don’t devolve to technical parts for Fedora (not the stack) - MJ

Collection folks can see what then see whole role in stack - SC

Communications and Outreach - MY, JD, DS


Product position white paper

Product position discussion

Trying to get to consensus on product position. We need to see where we agree or disagree and come up with questions.

RM - Wanted to make sure people read it. If you didn’t we can take 5 minute to do that. We can take page from David’s framing and Julia’s VIVO governance and instead of debating merits we can just do a round table approach. We can just let people say their piece. We could do the ecosystem role first. One min per person to say concerns or what they like. I will say roles first.

Ecosystem Role.

Stefano - Sounds great to me.

Doron - I like that paragraph

Ben - Quick question - vision and strategy - these are vision statements not where we are now, right? RM - Yes they’re aspirational. If you have concerns with aspiration or how we get there pls say so. If it’s aspirational, it’s fine. The flexible part I’m not sure. I may comment on that lower

Dustin - It’s fine. We know so much about Fedora. Who’s the audience? If I’m not one of us will I know what a cultural heritage ecosystem. Can we list what problems we’re solving?

Karen - I like it. Thanks.

Evviva - I like it too

Patrick - no negative comments

Este - I echo Dustin. I don’t have a suggestion about how to make it better. But I think if the audience is us it’s fine. But maybe we need to mention repository.

From medical library perspective the cultural heritage terminology don’t fit for me.

KE - Does GLAM work?

Maybe. We want to bring in data and that’s not cultural heritage.

KE - maybe we should talk about knowledge management and data science. Or maybe just data.

MJ - I like it a lot. For clarity - indicate that Fedora s usually a hidden component and there’s usually a user facing application. Not sure if API wording captures that. User facing or front facing.

JD - good paragraph. Depending on audience we could wordsmith. “ecosystem” can be a eye rolling term for people outside of tech. We could clarify it’s about technology.

DW - Look at word ecosystem

SC - Good. Trying to think about how to incorporate data management (data science is diff.). and can we talk about Fedora’s position in term of broader preservation framework. It is a component and not all of the preservation framework.

MJ - can we test this wording with CIOs or Deans a subset before we publish it?

DW - Yes we need to take it beyond this room

I like it. Others have voiced concerns but no other feedback

TS - ‘enables” instead of ‘part of” would be better. Linked to what SC said.  

EW - if we created a system where people don’t feel like they can ask questions.

RM - Maybe we should say it supports preservations instead of enables.

TS - just need to clarify what enables means

RR - We can wordsmith but this provides the basis for messaging to deans, CIOs, technologists, etc.

Ben - I have more thoughts. Ecosystem role and we’re talking about audience. Tied to future of who our target issue and who will support it. I don’t want to move on from audience. Fedora is back end tech. For it to succeed the people diving the front end tech need to be part of it. Fedora is targeting to tech people because the people who touch it are software engineer. But I see why we’re having problems.

DSpace running here for 16 years. It’s not flexible. Simple CM. But it’s a complete package. It does what it does pretty well and provides easy upgrade path and it’s low cost. People want it to do more but it does what it needs to. As a product manager, it ties in to earlier conversation, if the front end tech people if they’re not using Fedora. I don’t know if I expressed this well. Seems like a key issue. Will it be a back end that supports and ecosystem or is that not going to be success.

MY - I like the articulation and the words. I see the gap between ecosystem and interoperability. My question is how and what is that again? I spoke to Tom and he said ‘so what do you think Fedora is?” I had to think about that. And I described Fedora 3.

ACTION - Maurice  will send me the whole statement. “Fedora provide extensible store for

RM - The words I heard are throughout this document. There are words missing some words that we need to dive into when we talk about modelling support.

AW - I like the description. I’m getting snagged on the overlap of the sections and clarity. It seems like there’s overlap and maybe it’s intentional. It takes away from clarity.

Could we ask, ‘are these the right 4 sections?” I could imagine a sentence like what Maurice said and name it product position.

RM - these were the heading on here and we removed some sections and we merged some sections. That’s good feedback. Maybe we can take some time to talk about that. It’s valid. If there’s a section missing, what is that?

KE - yeah let’s go through and then ask this question.

Integration/Interoperability: Community Applications.

Stefano - this is where we address the people who say “I don’t need Fedora I can just use a DB”

Dustin - it’s great.

Ben - this statement is now? Or aspirational?

DW - this isn’t true now.

AW - except for tools work. It’s not true of Islandora or VIVO.

Doron - Seems fine. To step back. I think the whole doc is heavy on preservation. I think it’s important but there are applications that are focused on access and not preservation.

RM - since you all aren’t members of those communities did we not address your concerns (Doron).

RR - if we have archivematica and

Doron - I think it would be nice if there was higher integration with other preservation tools.

RR- York University is funding this type of integration.

ACTION - expand the list of integrations like ArchiveSpace and Archivematica.

KE - The question - I know we’re not debating - I didn’t have the save reaction as Stefano about the DB. I think we need more to answer that DB question.

RM - so you like the aspiration but we need more details.

KE - this doesn’t answer whether I use Valkrye or not.

DW - next 2 sections get into that.  

EW - nothing to add

PY - I get concerned when I use the word stack. We need the right language that fits with different audiences.

EP - we should say something about the API because it’s the mechanism for integration. Do we want to include integration and interoperability. Can we select one? Or should we leave both. Are we using them interchangably.

Jennifer I don’t have anything new.

MJ - I echo Este I think we should just use integration.

JD - no concern about this as aspiration statement. I have concerns down later. I think the role the various users want Fedora to play is not the same.

PY - maybe it needs to say it can be anything

Crowd reaction aahhh

JD - depending on how many communities and how varying the role it could be a problem.

SC - voice of clarity. It’s great statement. Second paragraph we refer to ‘the group’ It’s an editorial note.

DW - as aspirationa; it’s well aligned with our messaging. We encourage communities to use the latest version.

TS - 2 thumbs up.

RR - good ideas around the table. Clarification of interoperability there is a clear difference between parts or components.

MY - Integrations are specific to tech and interoperability is about standards.

In general I like the statement. I appreciate it is an aspiration beyond Fedora. It’s like the open platform conversation. It provides a leadership position for the ecosystem.

Erin - echo MY’s integration and interoperability distinction.

AW - if we can turn vendor discussion into a clear aspiration.

RM - Clarify Jon’s comment. Will communities see Fedora as the same thing serving the same role? Do you have recommendations? We talked about getting feedback. How can we get clarity in the document on how to help with that?

JD - Some of the communities don’t speak with one voice. It’s not a simple voice. Not sure. I will mention this bc I need to leave at noon. If Fedora tries to be all things to all people - e.g. if Samvera sees it in the preservation role - is the extra baggage carried along to serve the other communities become too much trouble?

RM - it goes back to Doron’s comments too. In some respects we identified Fedora as preservation component and the other things are discovery and access.

JD - I don’t know. I can’t speak for Isalndora.

MY - bc of that complexity we might not be able to express that in this document. In the roadmap we can build in the relationship building and the communications to those communities. If it doesn’t do something we need to be clear about that. So we could add a few words here

DW - we can’t be everything to everyone. We need to say what it does and doesn’t do

PY - meta question. It’s aspirational. Or is it present and future.

MY - written in a way that envisions a future condition. These are aspirational. And in 2 yrs we can revise what we aspire to as we get closer to these.

RR - Could this lead to a service.

TS - some of these are way outside of the control of Fedora and DuraSpace. It is dependent on others.

DW - we’re not powerless. We have relationships.

TS - I’m all for the aspirational parts. Some of it is for Fedora and some of it is for other communities.

EW - do these need to be SMART goals

EP -

Flexible Modeling Support.

Ben - why the focus on extract?

KE - extraction (with regard to models) has been a repeated community concern.

EW it can’t be a black box .

RR - Repo manager expects to get out of Fedora that he puts into Fedora

DW - so this is different from CRUD operations.

TS - this is part of a preservation capability.

Ben - that’s that a good point but that wasn’t clear to me.

AW we should change the word extract.

Stefano - +1 Ben. My only concern is we should be more explicit that Fedora has no modelling by itself.

Dustin - +1 wordsmithing around word extract

Doron - We want CRUD and extraction. That’s management and not modelling. I would split it. Object management is CRUD operations. I don’t think this sentence should be under modelling.

Stefano made good point. Can we elaborate on what we mean about flexible modelling. Does it mean relationships, attributes, add some meat there.

KE - I think it’s great.

TS -it’s neutral in a way DSpace isn’t. I don’t know how to say that.

EW - if we believe in the value of agnostic maybe that needs to be in the ecosystem role? Put it higher in the document and not bury it.

PY - + 1 Extract in diff section.

EP - +1 Doron about what flexible models look like. +1 EW. Extract could be export? And I think transparency too. But maybe that’s OCFL.

Jennifer -  I like diversity and repository. It’s the first time repo shows up. I think that should be included at the top. I don’t understand what you mean about shared standards and custom modelling. More clarification like examples of shared standards.

MY - shared standards would be like METS and custom model would be NC state and makes NC state core and they think it’s good but no one else will use it.

KE - we had PCDM in there but we took it out.

EP - shared community standards or domain or organizational specific modelling for metadata and. content.

TS - we might say existing and emerging standards would work if we need to sell this to CIO.

MJ - I would remove 2nd sentence. I would put it in previous section.

JD - back to Stefano’s point. “modelling’ means an active process. “model’ could be better.

MY - ‘support for flexible models”

SC - nothing to add

DW - “”

TS - Confused by “integration” could we say support instead? Not sure.

MY - it’s alignment


RR - +1 to changes to lang already discussed.

MY - I had Spiderman moment when reading this.  I want to add the community provides a variety of templates for modelling

ACTION - MY will paste the statement in. Doc as suggestion.

ET - +1 maurice.

AW - Tim and others raised - when I think about flexible content models - maybe this is a habit - when talking about content and metadata - the other habitual bits would be to include agnostic files. Those are key components of this type of language.

Object Management & Preservation Infrastructure.

Doron - Separate out object management from preservation. Object mgmt is CRUD. When we say preservation we may not be doing what other consider preservation. We’re not doing format migrations or preservation planning. Transparency and fixity is there. I don’t want to oversell the preservation.

RM - We combined two sections because they were small but we can separate them again.

Stefano - +1 Doron to separation. Preservation is tricky topic. We might want to be generic here to avoid triggering opinions about what preservation is. We can indicate a strong aware of the preservation issue.

RM - how do we not go into details.

Stefano - I think of it in 2 senses. String back end that supports crashes and the other supports transparency.

Ben - Fedora APi and there will be multiple. When we say Fedora here are we talking about the Fedora community implementation.

DW - good point. We need to be specific. We probably mean Fedora Community implementation.

KE - No comment. I think this answers the DB question.

EW  - no comments.

PY 0 nothing to add

EP- referencing OCFL is good.

MJ - Is it correct to say preservation actions is stored by Fedora?

DW it is aspirational

AW - we should make clear that people actually want that functionality eventually

Group - Yup!

SC - good

DW - I generally think this is good. Wonder about specify of fixity and if we want to get into expanding fixity. Specifics about which preservation actions. Should we include examples?

TS - I wonder did you take fixity out from the original draft.

RM - Yes, I think it was in there. But we talked about how it could be added in.

TS - Not sure if it should be in there. Some sections are specific others aren’t

RR- preservation is a hot topic and ppl think about it as a larger  thing and Fedora doesn’t do all of it so I want to be more specific about what it does and doesn’t do.

MY - I think I helped write this statement. I’m not sure what this says from an administrative perspective. As a technologist I get it.

I have concerns with the phrase “preservation actions” if I was a super fan of PREMIS I would think it’s going to that. And the addition of the word “execution” - we want to avoid getting into philosophical wars we don’t want to get into. Argument for more generalization.

RR - if we say fixity and persistence and machine readable output. Would that limit us?

MY - My issues are around human failure and fixity isn’t going to address that. The second to last sentence doesn’t add value. Under that preservation actions phrase we should revisit that language and find a more accurate language.

SC - will this doc stand on its own? Or point to other documents.

DW - we can point to other documents. This is more about position and we can point to fact sheets.

RM - this was an attempt to have this conversation.

MY - if this was about detecting unexpected disruptions in information differences between instances I would be okay with that.

Be able to measure the distance between 2 things.

TS - 3 things I heard - why wouldn’t I use a DB, bring focus to Fedora to know what to build and sell this to CIOs and a topic of conversation for ourselves. If we’re trying to do all that with this doc that’s hard to do.

RR -it’s for us and to clarify what we value even at an aspiration level.

EP - you could have a more simplified version for admin.

Stefano - it would be useful to add an FAQ to our website for each topic make it public.

ET - supports execution preservation actions was confusing for me.

AW - splitting out this into 2 sections would be good. We can tie to specific NDSA levels of preservation or the new one.

RM - I want to echo Karen. This answers the DB question. It’s an important part of helping get past that argument.

ACTION - We will have a review of the notes

ACTION - For after review as ‘are these the right 4 sections?” What are we missing. Let’s not wordsmith.

TC - our institution has goals and individuals have goals. Do we want to add Fedora Goals like “I want Fedora to be performant?”

DW it’s in the design goals.

RM - we don’t mention linked data in the doc at all.

EP - it’s referenced in interoperability and content modelling. I’m comfortable with it. It’s not letting go of linked data

SC - I feel strongly linked data could be referenced.

DW - linked data is the means by which we provide some of this functionality.

KE - LDP not being reference gets us away  from zealotry

PY - this gets to the perception issue.

DW - we have general agreement that this is heading in the right direction. I think we can move on. We will test this to other people and see what additional comments we receive.

ACTION- RM and RR and DW WILL go through and incorporate feedback and send it back out to rest of LG. Need to talk about how to solicit feedback from broader community (e.g. those nto represented here). Timeline is: have it ready for OR and present this at OR and DLF.

RM - we need feedback from beyond the Islandora and Samvera communities.  I want to know that if there a barrier since we got rid of the flash interface.

Technical Roadmap

release API spec

AW - Looking to release API spec. The candidate went out 6 months ago. Can we as a group recommend it for release. From the API editors perspective we feel it is done. We now need agreement to release. The charter says we need approval from the LG.

Ben - we also wanted to have 2 full implementations before doing that.

AW - yes we have some requirements/recommendations. I haven’t done a thorough scan but I need to figure out what I made up aspirationally and what the charter dictates. We won’t get 2 implementations of the spec at this point. It’s a confluence of I don’t think those were hard requirements. It’s basically stable - to changes or churn.

Ben if that isn’t a hard target that’s fine but it would be good to see it in full implementation.

Stefano - it would be nice to have. I just started aligning X to the Fedora spec.
