Purpose: help the Sustainability WG do an early evaluation of ARK community interests and perceptions of value

Target audience: AITO Expression of Interest respondents. Later possibly add up to 535 registered ARK organizational contacts from the NAAN registry (some contacts will be stale).

Time to complete: ?


  1. What value/potential do you see in the ARK identifier/resolver?  Need to add "resolver" to FAQ.
  2. What value/potential do you see in the AITO project?   Do we want to try teaching them about the project? YES  Or just ask them about ARK Community building?
  3. Would you travel to attend an AITO in-person meeting if it was held in conjunction with another conference of interest?  To and ARKs in-person meeting...?
  4. What other conference would be of interest to you?
  5. As a member of the ARK community, would you rather contribute money (membership fee) or effort (development hours)?
  6. Do you run our own ARK resolver?
  7. Does some other group/organization/vendor run an ARK resolver for your use?
  8. If so, who is that group/organization/vendor?
  9. Do you pay for the use of that external ARK resolver?
  10. (optional) How much do you pay for the use of that external ARK resolver?
  11. Would you be willing to use a community-run ARK resolver?  Would you pay to use it?
  12. Would you be willing to use a community-run ARK identifier management service (similar to EZID) instead of your current solution?  Would you pay to use it?
  13. Would you participate in an open software development effort to create the next great ARK resolver?
  14. Is your organization a member of Duraspace or Lyrasis?