This 3-day Fedora Camp will be held at Emory University in Atlanta May 20-22, 2019. Fedora Camp offers everyone a chance to dive in and learn all about Fedora. Training will begin with the basics and build toward more advanced concepts–no prior Fedora experience is required. Participants can expect to come away with a deep dive Fedora learning experience coupled with multiple opportunities for applying hands-on techniques working with experienced trainers and Fedora gurus.

Registration is open!


Jones Room
Woodruff Library
Emory University
540 Asbury Circle
Atlanta, GA 30322 


Discounted rooms can be booked at the Emory Conference Center Hotel until April 28.


Directions are available on the library website.


The nearest visitor parking is the Fishburne parking deck located off Fishburne Drive behind Woodruff Library. For maps and more information, please visit the Emory Transportation and Parking Services visitor parking page.


20-22 May, 2018


We will be using a virtual machine for the hands-on portions of the camp, so please follow these instructions to get the VM up and running on your laptop *before* you arrive. We are doing this in advance so we do not have to troubleshoot problems at the event.

NOTE: The VM uses 2GB of RAM, so you will need a laptop with at least 4GB of RAM to run it. Depending on your laptop manufacturer, you may also need to enable virtualization in the BIOS.

  1. Download and install VirtualBox
  2. Download and install Vagrant
  3. Download and unzip the 5.0.2 release of the Fedora VM
  4. Using a Command Line Interface, navigate to the VM directory from step 3 and run the command: vagrant up
    1. Note that this step will take a while as the VM downloads and installs a full virtual environment
  5. Test the VM by opening your web browser and navigating to: http://localhost:8080/fcrepo
    1. The administrator username/password is fedoraAdmin/secret3
  6. Turn off the VM by running the command: vagrant halt

For some portions of the camp we’ll be making use of command line utilities. If you are running a Windows environment, please make sure you have an appropriate terminal application such as the one bundled with GitHub Desktop.


20 May

8:30-9:00Registration and Coffee
9:00-10:00Welcome and IntroductionsAll
10:00-10:30Fedora Overview

11:00-12:00Introducing Fedora

12:00-1:00Lunch (provided)
1:00-2:00Fedora In-Context: Front-Ends

2:15-3:15Core Services: CRUD

3:30-4:30Migrations: Designing a Migration Path Grant and Islandora

6:00Dinner at Lucky's Burger and Brew (map)

21 May

9:30-10:00Fedora Without Linked Data

10:00-10:45Introduction to Linked Data
11:15-12:00Resource Modeling: PCDM

12:00-1:00Lunch (provided) and camp photo!
1:00-2:00Core Services: Authorization, Fixity

2:15-3:15Core Services: Messaging, Versioning

3:30-4:30External Services: Solr, Triplestores, RDF Serialization, Re-index, Fixity

22 May

9:30-10:30Fedora and the Oxford Common File Layout

11:00-12:00Community Demos

12:00-1:00Lunch (provided)


Future Directions

4:15-5:00Discussion and Wrap-upAll


Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the camp.

Social Gatherings


Monday, May 20 at 6:00pm at Lucky's Burger and Brew (map):

1569 N. Decatur Rd. NE
Atlanta, GA 30307
(404) 343-4506