Time and Place

This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat.  Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


Audio and Chat Log

[10:10] <cwilper> Action: Get website update with info on the codewatch list, on this page: http://www.fedora-commons.org/community/developers/devlist
[10:12] <cwilper> Started. Maven update from Andrew: http://fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCREPO/ANT+to+Maven2
[10:13] <cwilper> Andrew "On home stretch", "has been split into a few main modules"
[10:27] <cwilper> (discussion about m2 repository, deploying to central, and moving to osu/osl)
[10:34] <cwilper> (discussion on .classpath and .project -- should have in svn? Yes, documented)
[10:35] <cwilper> http://fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCREPO/ANT+to+Maven2
[10:35] <cwilper> https://fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCREPO/Fedora+Roadmap
[10:44] <cwilper> Action: (Chris) update site to point *only* to new roadmap (confusing right now...orig roadmap is still avaialable)
[10:46] <cwilper> todo: add query for 3.3 issues to roadmap
[10:48] <cwilper> forum: phpbb
[10:48] <bbranan> http://www.phpbb.com/
[10:50] <cwilper> https://www.adaptavist.com/display/Bubbles/Forum
[10:52] <cwilper> http://n2.nabble.com/Fedora-Commons-Support-f2878481.html
[10:57] <cwilper> http://code.google.com/apis/opensocial/
[11:01] <cwilper> (discussion on email integration w/forum tool)
[11:01] <cwilper> requirement: email notification of threads you've signed up for
[11:03] <cwilper> non-requirement: respond via email (ok to link)
[11:03] <cwilper> non-requirement: stars (sad)
[11:05] <cwilper> requirement: body of announcements in email
[11:07] <DWDavis> in production http://fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCKB/Community+Articles
[11:08] <DWDavis> in test http://fedora-commons.org/confluence30/display/FCKB/Community+Articles
[11:21] <cwilper> http://www.atlassian.com/summit/coming-soon.jsp
[11:26] <cwilper> https://fedora-commons.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&&pid=10051&status=10001&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/order=DESC&sorter/field=created&sorter/order=DESC
[11:30] <cwilper> http://fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCR30/API-M
[11:31] <cwilper> Action: FCREPO-489: Update API-M and API-A pages to explain why the wsdl needs to come from the /wsdl servlet and not Axis.
[11:38] <bbranan> https://fedora-commons.org/jira/browse/FCREPO-494
[11:40] <cwilper> Action: FCREPO-494: Dan trying to reproduce
[11:50] <cwilper> https://fedora-commons.org/jira/browse/FCREPO-495
[11:58] <cwilper> https://fedora-commons.org/jira/browse/FCREPO-457
[12:01] <cwilper> Action: Look into why editing the resolution (FCREPO-457) isn't allowed via JIRA (add to template?)
[12:08] <cwilper> Action: Review *old* "recieved" tracker items...Monday 10am