
Call-in Information

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

To join the online meeting:



(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Brian Lowe (star)
  2. Ralph O'Flinn
  3. Andrew Woods
  4. Mike Conlon
  5. Steven McCauley
  6. Huda Khan  


  1. Sprint update (June 17th - 28th) - see slack channel #vivo-scholar
    1. External Search

      1. Merge 'sprint-search' (vivo, vitro) into 'develop'?
    2. Enable connection of decoupled, read-only "profiles" user interface to VIVO

    3. Define "shapes" of VIVO entities

    4. Dockerize appropriate components

  2. Tickets in-review
    1. Needing one more review

  3. Working towards the VIVO 1.11.0 release
    1. Landing Design - External Search
    2. Other tickets we want to include?
      1. Docker work:
        1.  - Don Elsborg to review?
        2.  - Don Elsborg to review?
        3.  - Ralph O'Flinn to review? - Now in
      2.  - mis-rebased
      3.  - appears to have an unrelated commit in pull-request
    3. Release manager?


  1. Status of In-Review tickets

  2. Received

      1. (re-)Raises interest in reconsidering first-time, every-time, tdbconfig design

      1. Should be low-hanging
      1. Where does this stand? What is needed to add more person identifiers to VIVO?

      1. Mike Conlon : thoughts on where this stands?

  3. Bugs (1.11)


Draft notes in Google-Doc  


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