
Call-in Information

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

To join the online meeting:



(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Ralph O'Flinn 
  2. Steven McCauley (star)
  3. Andrew Woods
  4. Brian Lowe
  5. Don Elsborg
  6. Maria Amalia Florez
  7. Rafael Mancera
  8. Jose Mongui


  1. VIVO 1.11.0 release... can we get a release candidate out before the VIVO conference?
    1. External Search

      1. Merge 'sprint-search' (vivo, vitro) into 'develop'?
      2. Help with testing externalized search
  2. Integrating content and navigating between VIVO installations
  3. Internationalization partners in VIVO Scholars Task Force?
  4. Tickets in-review
    1. Needing one more review - any volunteers? 


  1. Status of In-Review tickets

  2. Received

      1. (re-)Raises interest in reconsidering first-time, every-time, tdbconfig design

      1. Should be low-hanging
      1. Where does this stand? What is needed to add more person identifiers to VIVO?

      1. Mike Conlon : thoughts on where this stands?

  3. Bugs (1.11)


Draft notes in Google-Doc  

  1. VIVO 1.11.0 release
  2. Integrating VIVO installations


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