

Discussion items



Some discussion of need for "global" review of spec before release for review so that changes all cohere, more polished view, and can give good high-level

Curtis and John spoke with some of repondants to poll. Comment from Pablo ? from Argentina that it is hard to find docs on ARKS (where to go - spec out of date, do I go to AITO?)  He went to – Need to clean this up quickly  (part of outreach groups remit) (Pablo created Spanish-language ARK wikipedia page, is willing to translate FAQ as well)

Roxana reporting on enhancements to their  resolvers, etc. ; waiting on final spec for other changes

(from last time) research handling of query parameters that have no explicit value (eg. ...??) by HTTP servers and reverse proxies.


No clear one place to go for clarity on behaviors of reverse proxy servers; Specs vs. was is coded;  suggestion is to write a script and test against actual implementations;  Suggestion that Tom will continue to monitor, he will try against top 3 proxies to see results

question of collapsing ? and ??

Greg: refers to Bertrands suggestion to use query term (non-empty) - why would we not? 

John: question as to whether appearance of English words in standardized query  an issue (internationalization) (eg info)

2nd issue:  historically IETF reluctant to do anything to standardize query string - although using ? or ?? in effect standardizing anyway

Tom:  'meta'; ark-info, ark-meta;  maybe also consider as optional method of support is via request-header rather than in query string; would provide greater latitude in describing methods of formatting response 

Mark: value also in having URL-like string that functions

Greg agrees use cases for both techniques - string easier for "naive" implementation- question would this be an extension header (X-)? 

Tom yes - but style now for non-standardized without X quite common; also agrees, even if we do headers, useful to have query string

John: given we will approve inflection supported, considering adding one with word - 
Sheila - do we continue with ? and ?? - or just words in inflection?  Are issues with resolution making this something we should not use

John would like to continue; could have language like ?info preferred, reserve? and ?? since that has been in spec for so long

Curtis - prefers info, about - ? ok  if words, options to add more operations in future

John - we are moving to, at very least ? means same as ??, and ?? preferred

Should be one query that gives basic information plus persistence info

Sheila prefers word, okay with both

Mark:  has gotten feedback of questions about ? – looks strange to many for usual URLs; also implementations low; using word, making it "look" like query parameter would encourage greater use and implementation;  re "both" - Might be confusing to have 2 ways of doing it

question of NAAN assignment corresponding to ISSN

when to open spec review to arks-forum

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