Confirmed endorsers

Cornell University Library

Cornell University Library has relied on the DSpace platform as its institutional repository since 2002. It’s important to us to use and support community-owned infrastructure. From time to time we have considered other options, but when we have compared DSpace to other platforms, we have found that it does the best job of meeting our needs with minimal local development. The platform is reliable, and its widespread use gives us confidence that it has real staying power in the community. We’re excited about the changes coming in DSpace 7!

Contact: Gail Steinhart 

Approved imagery

Conditions for use: pre-approval for all forms/usages needed from & 

Potential endorsing institutions

Goal is to have (at least) 5 endorsing institutions who want to participate as the "faces".

Beyond the institutional perspective - highlighting excited end users

In 2019-06-26 call, José suggested to also bring the perspective of the end users, and showcase users who are enthusiastic about DSpace 7.

Maybe with use cases or with integrations?


Email outreach to potential endorsing institutions

Dear ...,

We briefly discussed the work of the DSpace 7 marketing work group, and the current ongoing search for high profile institutions & stakeholders that are willing to become "faces" endorsing the DSpace 7 efforts.

If you want to have an idea of what this could be or look like, we primarily want to provide "counter weight" to what Ex Libris is doing with their yet-to-be-production-ready commercial "Esploro" platform.

The wiki page dedicated to these efforts is here:

So what we're concretely after is:

Thank you in advance,

"First in your country?" mail campaign