
Upgrading to VIVO 1.11.0 from a previous version of VIVO should not require a data migration, but does require the new installation to have a standalone Solr server. See installation notes for details.

There are no ontology changes, and data produced by 1.11.0 is compatible with 1.6 - 1.9 (and vice versa). It is not required to upgrade to this release prior to subsequent releases. Please see Upgrading VIVO for more details.

What's New

Triple Pattern Fragments (TPF)

TPF presents a lightweight means of obtaining triples from a linked data application as a web service, with very low overhead, and high reliability (it only pattern matches for triples, there are no arbitrary complex queries, so individual requests can not have a high impact on the server). See Triple Pattern Fragments

Multi-Lingual Improvements

The message lookups have been extended, so that application wide VIVO messages are distinct from Theme messages (and distinct from Vitro messages). It also allows for an additional "local" messages bundle, which overrides the theme, VIVO and Vitro layers.

Language packs can now be added to VIVO through the dependency mechanism, although you will still need to edit your runtime.properties to enable the languages in your UI.


This release includes an updated ORCiD integration that can use the ORCiD v2 API. Note that ORCiD are planning to shut down the v1.x API endpoints.

Note that the configuration options have been changed, and you will need to update your runtime.properties.

The required properties are:

orcid.clientId = 0000-0000-0000-000X
orcid.clientPassword = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
orcid.webappBaseUrl = http://localhost:8080/vivo
orcid.externalIdCommonName = VIVO Cornell Identifier
orcid.apiVersion = 2.0
orcid.api = sandbox

orcid.apiVersion is simply the version value (e.g. 1.2, 2.0), and orcid.api is just "release" (for the production API), and "sandbox" for the sandbox.

Additional Error Checking During Builds

The Maven projects now integrate Google's Error Prone - http://errorprone.info/ - tool into the compilation to detect serious errors in the Java code. Any customisations and contributions will now automatically be checked, preventing many serious errors from entering the code base.

Testing Framework

The Selenium IDE tests have been updated to use specific named selectors, rather than positions. Additional attributes (domain and range for faux properties) have been added to the UI to allow for this.

This allows the tests to be run against both the old (wilma) and new (tenderfoot) themes, and will make the tests more robust in the event of future ontology changes.

Note that Selenium IDE no longer works with the current versions of Firefox. Whilst we can currently run the test suite using a Java project and WebDriver, we will need to consider how these tests can be maintained in the future.

Issues Resolved



New Feature




Code Task


Release Managers

Ralph O'Flinn, University of Alabama, Birmingham
