
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


  1. Maven build status
  2. EZService
  3. Other items?
  4. Review of newly-submitted issues:
    1. newly-submitted issues

Audio and Chat Log

[11:02] <cwilper> http://fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/FCREPO/2009-08-18+-+Committer+Meeting
[11:06] * bbranan (n=lc@ has joined #duraspace
[11:09] * awoods (n=awoods@pool-71-191-160-211.washdc.fios.verizon.net) has joined #duraspace
[11:13] <cwilper> candidates org.fedoracommons.fedora, and org.duraspace.fedora
[11:16] <cwilper> org.fedoracommons.repository
[11:17] <cwilper> ^^ leading contender
[11:27] <awoods> Chris discussing newly available utility for creating Service Definitions and Deployments: EZService
[11:27] <awoods> http://fedora-commons.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=13762993
[11:30] <payette> Nice interim step forward chris. Also I like the ideas of exposing RESTful endpoint to submit the simple sdef/sdep xml files to invoke the conversion.
[11:38] <cwilper> https://fedora-commons.org/jira/browse/FCREPO-519
[11:39] <cwilper> https://fedora-commons.org/jira/browse/FCREPO-520
[11:43] <sbayliss> http://dublincore.org/documents/2000/07/14/dcmes-xml/
[11:44] <sbayliss> see 2.5. Language and character encoding
[11:52] <cwilper> agenda for next week: track-fest