
To formulate, discuss, and prioritize the next steps in the Fedora Roadmap.  We hope to leave this two-day meeting with a clear vision of the development priorities of the core repository service for the next year, and a good sense of who can contribute to accomplishing them. 



Many of the committers will be attending this meeting, and we are actively seeking key contributors to come and help us define the future of Fedora. This will be a relatively small group; we are planning to have space for approx. 20 attendees.

Confirmed attendees will be listed here in the coming weeks.  Currently, we are keeping track of this information here.

Topics of Discussion

We will pick 3 or 4 topic areas for discussion, depending on interest. The following are just examples; Please email tstaples at duraspace dot org by Monday, January 18th with one or more topics (please be specific) you'd like to have us talk about and address in the upcoming roadmap. We'll decide on the final list based on that feedback.