
This section is for discussion and description of a proposed "high-level" storage interface. The notion of a new storage interface originated with use cases that were hard to satisfy using the current implementation in Fedora. Subsequent discussions have led to a realization that "storage" is a much larger issue with great potential both within Fedora and within a greater infrastructure. In this section you will find references to the earliest work with respect to Fedora and draft proposals that were aimed towards concrete implementations for the Fedora Repository. You can also find and participate in the wider discussion about "storage" that resulted from our initial attempts to design the Fedora-specific implementation and led to our beginning to understand this subject extends far beyond Fedora. In a nutshell, this forum aims to define an architecture for storage (a.k.a persistence) which is of general use and it suitable to support short and long-term access and persistence of digital assets regardless of the underlying physical mechanism. But also, there needs to be immediate implementation of new persistent components to meet current needs. This forum will also be used to design and facilitate implementation of usable components.

To keep this page short, it will mostly consist of organizing links to other pages. Please note this work will cross link to other participants notable Fedora Create, the Data Conservancy, Policy Driven Repository Interoperability (PoDRI) in conjunction with iRODS, and others who will be named shortly.

Use Cases

This section will lead to use case pages which inform the discussion both Fedora directed and use cases which are beyond Fedora's scope.


A common nomenclature is needed to facilitate understanding. It's best to use common terms but consistency within this discussion is more important if the term has multiple definition in common use.


Issues for Discussion

In a nutshell, this proposal aims to remove certain hard-coded storage assumptions in Fedora, and present a storage layer/interface that would allow a place for extensions to Fedora that implement multiplexing, non-blob storage, lock-free updates, cloud storage, etc.

Implementation plan

Since the storage layer in Fedora resides beneath the object management (DOManager) layer in Fedora, adopting HighLevelStorage implies creating an alternate DOManager instance that interacts with HighLevelStorage rather than ILowLevelStorage. Ideally, this alternate DOManager would be a simple drop-in replacement for the existing DefaultDOManager. Initial development of HighlevelStorage could then be be largely independent from the core Fedora code, deployment would be enabled by a simple configuration change. Unfortunately, this is not easily possible today due to unnecessary coupling between certain Fedora components, and an abundance of unrelated functionality in DOManager that can/should exist elsewhere. These issues would need to be addressed in order to create a truly pluggable DOManager.

While HighLevelStorage is not scheduled to be a feature of Fedora 3.4, it may be developed concurrently or slightly after the 3.4 release date. As many of the prerequisites for drop-in replacement of DOManager are general improvements to the Fedora code base that are not storage-specific, there is distinct appeal to incorporating these basic improvements into the core in time for Fedora 3.4. With these prerequisites in place, work on HighLevelStorage may proceed entirely as an add-on/replacement module, hopefully without further changes to the core. Combined with Fedora's enhanced modular architecture, it would potentially allow HighLevelStorage to be distributed as an add-on bundle to Fedora 3.4 for evaluation or testing before it becomes a core feature.

Relevant tracker items

Need to figure out how to link to the issues using the new Jira version!