First International DSpace-CRIS User Group Meeting, Muenster (Germany, EU), 18 November 2019

4Science, together with The Library Code and other organizations in the DSpace-CRIS community, such as the Hamburg University of Technology, the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, the Georg-August-University Goettingen, the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, the University of Bern, the University of Trieste, are inviting all the interested institutions in DSpace-CRIS, the first free open-source Research Information Management System (aka CRIS/RIMS), to join in the first International DSpace-CRIS User Group Meeting. The event is organized in the framework of the euroCRIS Membership Meeting that will be held on November 18-20, 2019 at the University of Münster, Germany, EU. If you are interested in participation please write to

14:00 - 14:10 Introduction
14:10 - 14:30 DSpace-CRIS roadmap
14:30 - 15:30 Experiences from participants
15:30 - 15:40 Break
15:40 - 16:40 Discussion with participants
16:40 - 17:00 Future plans and conclusions

Introduction and DSpace-CRIS roadmap, future plans and conclusions:

Susanna Mornati and Andrea Bollini, 4Science (Italy), Pascal Becker, The Library Code (Germany)

Experiences from participants and discussion:

Beate Rajski and Oliver Goldschmidt, Hamburg University of Technology (Germany)
Daniel Beucke, Georg-August University of Goettingen (Germany)
Michael Erndt and Dirk Eisengräber-Pabst, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Germany)
Steffen Illig, Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg (Germany)
Anna Keller, University of Bern (Switzerland)
Jordan Piščanc, University of Trieste (Italy)

Other participants are invited to share their experiences and wish-list (open discussion)