This document is a guide to getting up and running with Fedora as quickly as possible.

Out of the box

If you are looking for scripted deployments, please take a look at Fedora's deployment tooling.


There are two primary ways of deploying Fedora. The first, One-Click Run, is an easy way to get Fedora running to test out the basic features. The second, Servlet Container Install, is the approach to be used in production installations.

Using Docker

If you'd like to run using docker you can simply install docker and then run the following command:

For the latest bleeding edge development:

docker run -p8080:8080 --name=fcrepo fcrepo/fcrepo

For a particular version:
docker run -p8080:8080 --name=fcrepo fcrepo/fcrepo:6.0.0-beta-1

For all the available docker configuration options for fcrepo see the fcrepo-docker README.

Servlet Containers

Alternatively, instead of deploying Fedora via the "one-click run", the Fedora web-application can be installed by dropping the WAR file into a servlet 3 container, such as Tomcat 9 or Jetty 9.
For details on installing Fedora to those containers, see the Deployment guide.

Next Steps

Once Fedora is running,