Tuesday April 28, 2020, 10 AM US Eastern Time

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Meeting ID: 637 396 803
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  1. Ralph O'Flinn
  2. Anna Guillaumet
  3. Michele Mennielli
  4. Mike Conlon


Google folder for conference planning : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1twfmRLizReayBs8IsYi0-lH8tbJ-B09J

Conference web site Github:  http://github.com/vivoconference/vivo2020.git  


  1. EuroCRIS update
  2. Registration site https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-vivo-conference-tickets-97993221363
    1. Anything to change?  Ready to open?
    2. Website
    3. Communication
  3. Sponsorship - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1swymeQmkSxDugCoaZaO0-6lkyYe-xOQ1b9JutO5Cj7Q/edit
  4. Encouraging submissions, reviewers
  5. Other


  1. EuroCRIS is considering whether to have a session or a track.  They continue to have discussions.  The door is open for whatever they prefer.
  2. The group discussed opening registration.  Steps:
    1. Mike will improve the EventBrite site with better wording for the opt-in question.  We will say "the VIVO Project" when describing "who" might reuse an opt-in email.  The VIVO Project is described as the conference organizer with information about the VIVO Project available at EventBrite.
    2. Mike will update the web site to include links to the registration site.
    3. Anna will draft an email for review by the group.
    4. EventBrite, web site and email should be ready today.
    5. Email will be sent tomorrow morning.
  3. The group discussed sponsorship.
    1. Michele shared the prospectus.  The group agreed – ready to go.
    2. Anna will add some graphics touches
    3. Michele and Julia will discuss potential sponsorship with Ann Beynon, a long time sponsor, to make sure it is ready for wider distribution.  Meeting is expected this Friday.
    4. Following discussion, the prospectus will be made available on the conference web site.
  4. The group adjourned within 30 minutes