Sub pages


1) Document Status

This document is currently being drafted

2) Perspective

The VIVO webapp is a sophisticated computer program whose evolution is guaranteed by continuous software development using an Agile software engineering methodology. In this engineering approach, the software testing process must also be managed continuously and be adaptive to new developments that occur over time. The Vivo-regression-testing tool aims to provide the software developer with a test bench integrated into its development environment.


For the IT developer, the test bench is designed to meet the following needs:

What we want to test:

In the context of vivo-i18n

Usage context

The test bench usage is illustrated according to the process described below

Test case building process illustrationDescription

Step 1)

Selenium includes a recorder that captures the interaction between the user and the browser. The capture of the interaction is stored in the form of a Selenium script.

Step 2)

The translation of the Selenium script is translated into a JUnit Test Case to which it is necessary to make adjustments for the interpretation of the actions.

Step 3)

The Java Unit Test is suited for a generalized use in multiple language contexts.

Step 4)

The test bench encapsulates a set of features and properties that are necessary to parameterize the execution of test cases. This step aims to integrate the test case into these execution parameters.

Step 5)

Once integrated into the test bench, the test case can be triggered by the development in a singular way or in batch mode according to the needs of the moment.

3) Technical Notes

Where you can find the Test bench (vivo-regression-test) tool

the regression testing tool available in this github directory

Componants architecture

The figure below shows the architecture of the VIVO-regression-test tool's main components. The architecture is divided into two parts: 1) the client-server side and 2) the client-side.

On the server side, the architecture includes a TOMCAT server running multiple instances of VIVO. The management of these instances is not properly part of this tool, it belongs mainly to the UQAM-DEV tool. On the other hand, the test bench is also an Eclipse project which can be integrated into UQAM-DEV. The availability of multiple concurrent VIVO instances ensures the development of comparative tests between different VIVO implementations (e.g., unilingual VIVO (actuel version 1.11.1)). VIVO i18n, Other VIVO configurations to be evaluated).

On the client side, each test case is an instance of both the Selenium and TestNG frameworks. Selenium consists of a robot programming interface that simulates human interactions on a web site through a web browser while TestNG is used to schedule the progress of the regression test. Each interaction through the user interface is evaluated and measured to validate the accuracy and consistency of the information produced by the VIVO instance being tested. During possible updates (addition/deletion/modification) of data, the test case can evaluate the accuracy of the data stored in the triplestore through the Apache Jena APIs. The 'Main Test Runner' is the main application that coordinates the execution of suites (aTestSuite) and test cases (aTestCase). The MainTestRunner exists in two forms. The first form starts its execution by the Maven utility and is set up by configuring the pom.xml and settings.xml files. The second form is a Java application which is parameterized by the configuration of the TestRunner.propreties file.

Test Bench Java Package Structures

The figure below shows the structure of the Java packages in the test bench. Each package is associated with a label describing the package's usefulness.

Unit Test Java Class Diagram

The figure below shows the java class structure for the ResearchOverviewToPersonUnitTest_{$linguistic-context} test case. The test case is particularized for each language context to be evaluated (en_CA, en_US, fr_CA and orig). Each test case is an instance of the abstract class (e.g. that contains the test sequence to be performed. Finally, the TestBenchModel class is the super abstract class from which all the test cases of the test bench are derived. This abstract class encapsulates all the functionalities and properties of the test bench. The MainTestRunner is responsible for the execution of each test case,

Utilities Resources Files and Java Class Diagram

The diagram below shows the utilities classes and resources files necessary for test bench operation.

Phases Structure Pattern of a Java TestNG Class

In general, each test case is divided into 5 phases in addition to the setUpBeforeClass et tearDownAfterClass

Five phases pattern of testCaseDescription
  • Opening Silenium Driver
  • Choosing the Vivo tested instance (I18n or non-i18n instance)
  • Purge Tripestore from instance statement (previus sample data manipulation
  • loading sampleData
Phase 1
  • login from the UI
Phase 2
  • Adding Data by UI
  • verify in the triplestore if the data is correctly added
  • Modifying Data by UI
  • verify in the triplestore if the data is correctly modified
Phase 4
  • Delete Data by UI
  • verify in the triplestore if the data is correctly Deleted
Phase 5
  • Log out
  • Closing Selenium driver

4 ) Running A Test Case in the TestBench under UQAM-DEV



Faire le sommaire des étapes

Step 1: Installing:

Using Windows GitBash


This is not a mandatory step. On the other hand the references to the directories that will depend on C:/UQAM-DEV, which is its installation directory.

For complete installation, following: 2. Installing UQAM-DEV


Install Tomcat and SOLR as indicated in the Lyrasis documentation.

Or these documents more specific to this installation:

Variables configuration

export REG_TEST_HOME=/c/UQAM-DEV                    # Home regression test directory
export REG_TEST_GIT=$REG_TEST_HOME/GIT              # GIT extraction directory
export JAVA_HOME=$REG_TEST_HOME/jdk                 # Java Jdk 1.8
export SOLR=$REG_TEST_HOME/solr-7.7.2               # Solr 7.7.2 installation directory
export TOMCAT=$REG_TEST_HOME/apache-tomcat-8.5.11   # Tomcat installation directory
export VIVO_HOME_I18N=$REG_TEST_HOME/vivo_i18n      # Vivo-i18n Home directory
export VIVO_HOME_ORIG=$REG_TEST_HOME/vivo_orig      # Vivo original (non-i18n) Home directory

export REG_TEST_HOME=YOUR_VALUE  # Home regression test directory
export REG_TEST_GIT=YOUR_VALUE   # GIT extraction directory
export JAVA_HOME=YOUR_VALUE	     # Java Jdk 1.8
export SOLR=YOUR_VALUE			 # Solr 7.7.2 installation directory
export TOMCAT=YOUR_VALUE		 # Tomcat installation directory
export VIVO_HOME_I18N=YOUR_VALUE # Vivo-i18n Home directory
export VIVO_HOME_ORIG=YOUR_VALUE # Vivo original (non-i18n) Home directory

export REG_TEST_HOME=/opt/tomcat
export REG_TEST_GIT=/opt/tomcat/GIT
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export SOLR=/opt/solr
export TOMCAT=/opt/tomcat
export VIVO_HOME_I18N=/opt/tomcat/vivo_i18n
export VIVO_HOME_ORIG=/opt/tomcat/vivo_orig

# You can also source the ./ file

Step 2: Extracting the appropriate GitHub Repos

While waiting for the integration of the development branches to the Master branch, it is necessary to perform the extractions from the following repo:

Repos are retrieved from the $REG_TEST_GIT


Repo nameGIT clone commans

git clone --single-branch --branch  feature-1801-regtest


git clone --single-branch --branch  feature-1801-regtest


git clone --single-branch --branch  feature-1801-regtest


git clone --single-branch --branch  feature-1801-regtest


git clone --single-branch --branch  feature-1801-regtest

Step 3 Installing VIVO's (orig and i18n)

Step 3 a: Installing VIVO 1.11.1 (Original VIVO) from the CLI

The installation procedure below refers to the official Lyrasis installation guide, available here.i:

DescriptionBash command

Vivo Home and Vivo solr configuration

from the directory $REG_TEST_GIT/vivo-regression-tests/vivo-config-proposal/vivo_orig , copy solr and vivo_home in aprropriate directory

cd $REG_TEST_GIT/vivo-regression-tests/vivo-config-proposal/vivo_orig
mkdir -p $VIVO_HOME_ORIG/home/config
cp -r vivo_home/* $VIVO_HOME_ORIG/home/config
sudo -u solr cp -r solr/server $SOLR


rom the directory C:\UQAM-DEV\GIT\vivo-regression-tests

Installing VIVO 1.11.1 original

cd $REG_TEST_GIT/vivo-regression-tests/vivo-installer-orig
mvn install -s UQAM-DEV-RgTest_orig_settings.xml

cd $REG_TEST_GIT/vivo-regression-tests/vivo-installer-orig
# Edit and change attributes values to appropriate settings of 
# NON_UQAM-DEV-RgTest_orig_settings.xml file
vi NON_UQAM-DEV-RgTest_orig_settings.xml
mvn install -s NON_UQAM-DEV-RgTest_orig_settings.xml

Step 3 b: Installing VIVO 1.11.2-SNAPSHOT (VIVO-i18n) from the CLI

DescriptionBash command

Vivo Home and Vivo solr configuration for i18n

from the directory $REG_TEST_GIT/vivo-regression-tests/vivo-config-proposal/vivo_i18n , copy solr and vivo_home in aprropriate directory

cd $REG_TEST_GIT/vivo-regression-tests/vivo-config-proposal/vivo_i18n
mkdir -p $VIVO_HOME_I18N/home/config
cp -r vivo_home/* $VIVO_HOME_I18N/home/config
sudo -u solr cp -r solr/server $SOLR


From de vivo installer for i18n: cd $REG_TEST_GIT/vivo-regression-tests/vivo-installer-i18n

install the vivo-i18n (solr and vivo_home are pre-configured with the UQAM-DEV installation)

cd $REG_TEST_GIT/vivo-regression-tests/vivo-installer-i18n
mvn install -s UQAM_DEV_RgTest_i18n_settings.xml -Dmaven.test.skip=true

cd $REG_TEST_GIT/vivo-regression-tests/vivo-installer-i18n
# Edit and change attributes values to appropriate settings of 
# NON_UQAM_DEV_i18n_RgTest_settings.xml file
vi NON_UQAM_DEV_i18n_RgTest_settings.xml
mvn install -s NON_UQAM_DEV_i18n_RgTest_settings.xml  -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Step 3 c: Checking the installation

This section is used to verify the co-execution of VIVO-ORIG and VIVO-i18n.

DescriptionBash commands

Starting solr

Make sure your JAVA_HOME is set up correctly e.g.

export JAVA_HOME=C:/UQAM-DEV/jdk

cd $SOLR/bin/
./solr.cmd start

# Start http://localhost:8983/solr/#/ in your WebBrowser
# and look for vivocore_i18n and vivocore_orig in the 
# core selector dropdown menue


cd $REG_TEST_HOME/apache-tomcat-8.5.11/bin/
./catalina.bat jpda start

3Verify VIVO i18n at http://localhost:8080/vivo/

4Verify VIVO otiginal at http://localhost:8080/vivo_orig/

Step 4: Configure property files in preparation for running a test case


a) Setup VIVO_ORIG

Assign the password for for the user admin

On the page of http://localhost:8080/vivo_orig/ click continue

In the login passord enter:


passwd: rootPassword

Enter the new passord

e.g.: Vivo2435....

2Edit the file C:\UQAM-DEV\vivo_orig\home\config\

Make sure the variable rootUser.emailAddress matches the login you entered in the last step.

Don't worry about the variables below, they are not enabled for version 1.11.1 of VIVO.


b) Setup VIVO i18n

edit C:\UQAM-DEV\vivo\home\config\

Validate that the variables are correctly configured

rootUser.emailAddress =
rootUser.passwordChangeRequired = false
rootUser.password = Vivo2435....
RDFService.languageFilter = true
languages.selectableLocales = fr_CA, en_CA, en_US, de_DE
4Restarted Tomcat if changes have been made to any of the files.

Step 5: Setting up the test bench


a) testbench

Edit the file C:\UQAM-DEV\GIT\vivo-regression-tests\src\main\resources\

Make sure that the content (especially the credential section) corresponds to the VIVO login values.

# Credential for connecting to Vivo
# ...

b) TestRunner properties

Edit the file C:\UQAM-DEV\GIT\vivo-regression-tests\src\main\resources\

Select the test case you want to run



c) Maven profile

Edit the file C:\UQAM-DEV\GIT\vivo-regression-tests\settings.xml

Select the test case you want in the activeProfile section. Seul une profile peut être sélectionné


<!-- 		<activeProfile>EmailAddressTest</activeProfile> -->
<!-- 		<activeProfile>HeadOfFaculty</activeProfile> -->

d) For Linux, Installing geckodriver

#Edit the texbenvh
vi $REG_TEST_GIT/vivo-regression-tests/src/main/resources/

# Comment the line selenium.driver.location=./lib/geckodriver-v0.26.0-win64/geckodriver.exe
# and
# uncomment selenium.driver.location=./lib/geckodriver-v0.26.0-linux/geckodriver

Step 6: Running a test case


a) TestRunner Java runtime mode

export DISPLAY=:0 (For Linux user)
cd $REG_TEST_GIT/vivo-regression-tests
mvn install
mvn exec:java

b) Test case running by profiles setting in settings.xml

export DISPLAY=:0 (For Linux user)
cd $REG_TEST_GIT/vivo-regression-tests
mvn install
mvn test -s settings.xml

c) Test case running by profiles in options

export DISPLAY=:0 (For Linux user)
cd $REG_TEST_GIT/vivo-regression-tests
mvn install
mvn test -P EmailAddressTest,HeadOfFacultyTest,ResearchOverviewToPersonTest
