Add new text to a JSP



  1. Open the relevant JSP and add a new <fmt:message> element where you want the new text to appear, making sure that the value of the key attribute is unique. For example:<fmt:message key="jsp.home.mynewkey" />
  2. Open and (for neatness) find the list of key values for the JSP you just changed. Add a new line corresponding to your new key.
    jsp.home.mynewkey = Text of my new key
  3. Note: contains pairs of "keys" and "values". For example: {{jsp.home.search1 = Search }}
  4. Generally speaking, the "key" usually refers to the location of the JSP on which this text resides (e.g. jsp.home.search1 is "search-related" text displayed in dspace-source/jsp/home.jsp)
  5. Perform the steps in Rebuild DSpace.
