Administrative Statistics

We talked a bit at DSUG 2005 about administrative statistics being a third kind of report (alongside activity and archive stats). We identified two main areas that could benefit from having some administrative stats associated with them:

  1. There is no need to have a separate logging system for administrative statistics. These can be inferred from the log files after the event provided that:
    1. The item_id being acted upon is available for every logging action we are interested in
    2. The logging events for the administrative areas are kept consistent. Any change in, for example, logging action name would break any implementation of this type
  2. That the OAIS reference model suggests maintaining usage statistics for AIPs, and that this sort of material could provide at least some of that information. Therefore, we would attach per AIP reports on activity throughout the life of the item as an additional AUDIT bundle or similar.

    an example of how this might work

    If we imagine an item passing through submission and then a full three stage workflow, the activity of the item would be roughly as follows:
  3. A blank item is created and a db id assigned
  4. the user edits the metadata for the item
  5. the user adds bitstreams to the item
  6. the user accepts the licence
  7. The item enters the workflow
  8. WF1 administrators carry out checks on the item (few logging events worth noting)
  9. WF2 adminsitrators modify the item, add/remove bitstreams
  10. WF3 adminsitrators modify the item, add/remove bitstreams
  11. The item enters the archive
    1-4 would be submission and 5-9 workflow. (Note that if the workflow becomes configurable to some higher degree in the future, we may have to think again about which logging actions are recorded, but a sufficiently flexible log file analyser should be able to make sense of this without too much modification (if any at all)).
    Once this full submission process has completed there will be a set of actions associated with an item id in the log files/database, and we would be able to simply trawl the data, reconstruct the sequence of actions on a particular item, and using a little bit of knowledge of how we want to present this information we could build reports on a per-item basis for everything in the archive. Using the list of likely areas that we want to associate administrative statistics with, we would want to record the following activities: