DSpace Architectural Review

Notes from Thursday, 26 Oct 2006 (JSE)

I. Review of Agenda

1. Data Model Revisit (aggregation, etc)
2. Concrete data model and storage
3. Larry Stone: History, Provenance, Audit
4. Etc...

II. Abstract Data Model Revisit (Rob)

See diagrams of Rob's draft proposals

Richard Rogers proposal

(MS) Observation: Rob's makes more explicit how maps to FRBR

Need to test proposals against concrete examples

Problem with "Museum"-like repositories

(jse) Separate data abstraction from application

RECOMMENDATION: (draft) Adopt Rob's Item/Representation/File (with Metadata for each)

Example: "submitting a pdf with some metadata and a license"
*item is an article + descriptive metadata
*manifestation is a pdf
*file is a pdf

problem in linking-in files as metadata


III. History, Provenance, Audit

Overview of Larry Stone's stuff by RR

1. Event Mechanism

2. History needs to be based on logical events (transactions) not DB events
