

Important Directories:


  1. First determine a directory name for your new theme inside the dspace-src/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main/webapp/themes directory; this name will be referenced as theme-dir in these instructions.
  2. Instead of starting your new theme completely from scratch, make a new copy of the standard theme template in a new directory, theme-dir.
  3. Next customize the theme's sitemap by specifying the theme's directory and name. Open, dspace-src/dspace/modules/xmlui/src/main/webapp/themes/theme-dir/sitemap.xmap, and edit the global variables shown below:

    <theme-name>the name of your theme</theme-name>

  4. Next customize the theme's CSS stylesheets, by default there are two style sheets used – a base version for all browsers and then a supplemental version just for Internet explorer.
  5. Perform the steps in Install a theme (Manakin)
  6. Perform the steps in Rebuild DSpace

Hints on Customizing XSLT in a theme:

These hints assume that you've started your theme based on a copy of the out-of-the-box template theme, along with the template.xsl that comes with that theme.