Features which don't exist (yet)

This page details features that are frequently asked for out of DSpace, but are not yet implemented (at least in a stable, out-of-the-box fashion). Anyone should feel free to to add features requests, content or references to this page. Developers should feel free to tackle any of these features and link to other pages to describe your plans/work in more detail.

Please approach Frequently Asked For IDeas as separate Sub-Pages under this space

Please migrate the following to separate pages so they can be consolidated under completed projects when completed.

Embargo - FIXED IN 1.6.0

[last updated: 15 Apr 2008]

DSpace 1.6.0 now comes with an Embargo Facility. For more details see the DSpace 1.6.0 Documentation.

There are also numerous unsupported addons and plugins for previous versions of DSpace. Among them, including:

Streaming Media

[last updated: 8 July 2008]

There have been many requests for hints/tips on integrating streaming audio/video into DSpace (on listservs). But, as of yet, there have been no references written up.

Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs)

[last updated: 15 Apr 2008]

There are a few projects which have attempted (or are attempting) a theses & dissertation workflow within DSpace:

Support for hierarchical LDAP servers - FIXED IN 1.5.2

[last updated: 8 July 2009]

The LDAP support currently in DSpace only supports a flat authentication structure. Many institutions use a hierarchical strcture which is slightly more complex.

Better Windows O/S support - FIXED IN 1.6.0

[last updated: 16 Apr 2010]

DSpace 1.6.0 now comes with a new 'dspace' command shell. All commands can be run identically on Unix or Windows systems using this new [dspace]/bin/dspace commandline tool.

DSpace runs fine on Windows, but is still a little bit Unix oriented. Most of the scripts that come bundled are unix shell scripts.

Branding (name of service)

[last updated: 15 Apr 2008]

Most installations of DSpace brand their service, so 'MyDSpace' becomes 'MyXYZ'. At present to do this you have to do a lot of search and replacing in messages.properties. It would be good if a service name could be set in dspace.cfg.

One approach introduces parameter substitution into message texts from dspace.cfg.