DRAFT outline of user-facing documentation, where users may be:

  • Administrators (the DSpace administrator role, as opposed to a system adminstrator)
  • Submitters
  • End user (e.g. readers)

Some caveats:

  • This quite likely has some unnecessary items, items that can be combined, or missing items.
  • Different instances will have different features enabled, and these may impact what roles have access to them. Versioning and embargoes may be actions that users can take, or actions that only admins can take, depending on an instance's configuration.
  • List compiled on basis of knowledge of DSpace 6, beta 1-3 release notes, quick exploration of demo site and Atmire videos. May require updating to better align with DSpace 7.
  • List NOT checked against existing technical documentation for redundancy.

DSpace administrator role

DSpace submitter role

Use "MyDSpace" to

DSpace end user (reader) role