
Time: 10:00am Eastern Time (US)

Please see the calendar invite for the Zoom link.


  1. Melissa Anez
  2. Chris Awre 
  3. Thomas Bernhart
  4. Danny Bernstein 
  5. Robert Cartolano 
  6. Stefano Cossu
  7. Dan Coughlin
  8. Jon Dunn 
  9. Dan Field
  10. Raman Ganguly
  11. Jennifer Gilbert
  12. Mark Jordan
  13. Danny Lamb
  14. Rosalyn Metz 
  15. Este Pope 
  16. Scott Prater
  17. Robin Ruggaber 
  18. Tim Shearer
  19. Andrew Woods 
  20. Dustin Slater 
  21. Jennifer Vinopal 
  22. David Wilcox
  23. Arran Griffith
  24. Maurice York
  25. Laurie Arp 
  26. Robert Miller
  27. Ben Wallberg




Introductions and Welcome to New Members (10 minutes)

Welcomes and introductions to all new and returning members of the 2020 Leadership Group. 


Financial Update (10 minutes)

The detailed Quarterly Financial Report was distributed via email.


  • Negative variances include membership revenue. Note that in the original budget, we estimated that memberships would be down approximately 15% for 2020, however it is closer to a 22% decrease.
  • Positive variances include being slightly under-spent in salaries/benefits and IDC. 

Goal: Review the quarterly financial report and answer any questions.


Fedora 6 - Beta and Production Release Criteria (30 minutes)

Following the November sprint, the team released Fedora 6.0 Alpha-1. We are now seeking institutions to download and test the software and provide feedback.

The focus is now on addressing all issues required for the Beta release. The expectation for the Beta release is that the core software and migration tooling be feature-complete. 

Form for collecting performance and scale expectations.

Goal: Agree on a set of criteria for both Beta and Production release.


IMLS Fedora Migration Grant Progress (10 minutes)

$249,859 over 18 months (September 2020 - February 2022)

This grant (lg-246264-ols-20) is focused on developing, piloting, and documenting migration tools and paths for upgrading Fedora 3 repositories to Fedora 6. Fedora staff and the grant partners have been working hard on this project and will share their most recent updates.

Goal: Review current grant work progress.


Membership Model Proposal (30 minutes)

With the current state of membership renewals, it has been proposed that changes need to be made to the current membership model to ensure recurring income. Through extensive discussion, 3 proposals were generated to assist with short, medium, and long-term actions. We will break into smaller groups to discuss the recommendations with the goal of approving short-term actions and refining the proposed medium-term actions.

Goal: Approve short-term actions to take for the upcoming membership renewal year and refine proposed medium-term actions.


Strategy Sub-Group Reports (15 minutes)

Product Technology

Communication, Outreach, Marketing & Community

Governance & Business Model




Wrap-up (Remaining time)David

Previous Action Items


Financial Update

Fedora 6

Action Items