Prototype Implementation of New Event System

This page describes and links to the code of a prototype
implementation of the EventMechanism proposal. It is
similar to the SimpleEventHandling prototype proposal, indeed, it
started from Richard Rodgers' codebase.

The rest of this page assumes you've read EventMechanism and
SimpleEventHandling, so review them now for the basic terminology
and architecture.

Purpose of Event System

About the Prototype

Data Structures

An Event is defined as a record containing the following fields:

  1. Type, or Action, describes the action that caused the event. One of Create, Delete, Modify, ModifyMetadata, Add, Remove.
  2. Subject, the archival object which was primarily affected by the action described by this event. For example, in an Add event adding an Item to an Collection, the Collection is the subject. NOTE: The Subject and Object are represented by pairs of integers naming the object type and DB id of the DSpace objects in question, for efficiency in serializing the event. There is a convenience method in the event implementation to fetch the actual DSpaceObject when needed.
  3. Object, the other archival object (if any) that took part in the action, e.g. the Item which was added to the Collection in the previous example.
  4. Detail, an arbitrary string supplied by the application code giving some useful detail about the event, e.g. naming which metadata fields were modified.
  5. Timestamp, the time at which the event occurred.
  6. TransactionID, an opaque string value which is identical for all of the events spawned by one Context-based transaction.
  7. Context The context that spawned the events (or a reproduction in the case of asynchronous events) is also passed to consumers; its significant fields are:
  8. *CurrentUser the authenticated EPerson who caused the event.
  9. *ExtraLogInfo another arbitrary string set by the application.

Contents of an Event

The Detail field of an event (accessed by event


a String whose significance varies by the type of event and the type of subject it is
about, as follows:

Object Type













field list










DC field list



metadata field names



metadata field names







field names



object.getEMail(), object.getName()
object.getEMail(), object.getName()











About the Code

The prototype code includes new classes and interfaces making up the
event system itself, some event consumer classes, and a large
set of changes to the codebase. The changes are to implement the
event system, and also to remove the old calls search and browse index updates,
since they are now handled through event consumers.

It adds event consumers for search and browse systems which will be
the only means to automatically update the search and browse indexes.

It also includes an event-based implementation of the Subscribe function
(email sent to an EPerson about new/changed Items in subscribed collections)
to demonstrate what can be done with asynchronous event processing.

The prototype supports multiple configured event dispatchers, so each
application (or even each Context within an application) can choose
a dispatcher appropriate for its needs – e.g. interactive apps can
process search updates immediately, while batch imports defer them
to improve performance.

The old HistoryManager is removed and is not replaced by this implementation. See the History Prototype page for a new implementation.

This code has only be tested against the PostgresQL 7.34 and 8.1 databases; I would
appreciate information about experiences with other databases.

Sample Source Code

The Event Prototype is now maintained under Subversion at MIT Libraries located here

The DSpace patch queue tracker item is currently out-of-date. Please use the subversion repository branch as the canonical source for the Event prototype.

Installing and Configuring

Installing the Prototype

SVN Checkout

To install the event prototype, start with an SVN checkout of the dspace-messaging-prototype project. This code is currently undergoing testing and debugging.


DSpace 1.5 and later requires Java 1.5 or later to build and run. Be sure your default java invocation or


is running Sun's JVM of at least that version. It was tested under Sun JRE Standard Edition 1.5.0_08.

Optional Asynchronous Support

There is a "dspace-jms" addon which will support the addition of Asynchronous JMS based messaging via ActiveMQ, it is available under dspace-jms] in the prototype branch. This can be added to your build of dspace by adding it to the modules listed in the dspace/pom.xml.

Now you should be able to build and install the DSpace source as usual.
See the next section to configure it before starting a server.


Here is a list of all the configuration keys, topic, followed by
by an example (default) fragment of your configuration file.





- Creates a consumer named name, the
value is a fully-qualified Java class name that implements the consumer.
There must be a corresponding filters configuration.




- Defines a set of event filters
for the named Consumer. The value is a list of "filters" which select
the events this consumer will see, selected by combinations of
DSpace object type and action. The filter list value consists of a
set of filter
clauses separated
by colons (


). Each clause is a set of DSpace Object types, a
plus sign (+), and a set of actions. The object and action lists are
separated by vertical-bar (|). Here is a rough grammar:

filter-list ::= filter [ ":" filter ]..

filter ::= object-set "+" action-set

object-set ::= object [ "|" object]..

action-set ::= action [ "|" action]..

object ::= "All" | "Bitstream" | "Bundle" | "Item" | "Collection" | "Community" | "Site" | "Group" | "Eperson"

action ::= "All" | "Create" | "Modify" | "Modify_Metadata" | "Add" | "Remove" | "Delete"

The special value


denotes all available objects or actions. The filter


allows all events through.

The filters in a list are logically ORed together, although they should
be distinct.

Whitespace and case are ignored in the filter list, so e.g.


is as good as







- Creates a dispatcher named name, the
value is a fully-qualified Java class name that implements the dispatcher.
There must be a corresponding






- List of consumers to which
this dispatcher sends events. The value is a list of consumer clauses,
separated by comma (,). Each clause contains the name of the
consumer, which must correspond to a


as described above, followed by a colon (:) and a declaration of
whether it is




. The words may
be abbreviated




, and case is not important.

There must always be a dispatcher named


. This is the
dispatcher used when the application does not set any specific
dispatcher in the



Choosing Dispatcher in Applications

To demonstrate configurable dispatchers, the

application has a configurable dispatcher. The key is


, the value is the name of a dispatcher. Default
is, of course,



Optional Asynchronous Support

JMS Configuration

The following keys configure the Event system's use of JMS. Note
that these are only needed if your chosen Dispatchers have any
asynchronous consumers.


- sets the "time to live", for persistent messages
bearing asynchronous events, which is the time they will be kept around.
It is an integer measured in milliseconds.
Default is 2 days.


- type of JMS message to use for asynch events.
Not used by ActiveMQ, but it might be needed by a different
JMS provider, so the configuration mechanism is ready.

- URI of broker to use when creating the first


. See ActiveMQ 4.0 documentation
for details about how to configure this.


- URI of XML configuration file for JMS java beans.
Used by Spring to configure ActiveMQ. The default value,


looks for a file


in the DSpace config directory.
See ActiveMQ 4.0 documentation
for instructions on the contents of this file, or follow the example.

ActiveMQ XML Configuration

The default version of the ActiveMQ configuration file will be
in your install directory under


. Copy it to
the runtime config directory (e.g.


) and modify it
if necessary, consult
the ActiveMQ 4.0 documentation
for details.

The version supplied works with a PostgreSQL database.


  1. This default dispatcher preserves the status quo, all synchronous
  2. consumers of search, browse, and history:

event.dispatcher.default.class = org.dspace.event.BasicDispatcher
event.dispatcher.default.consumers = \
search:sync, \
browse:sync, \
history:sync = = Item|Collection|Community|Bundle+Create|Modify|Modify_Metadata|Delete:Bundle+Add|Remove

event.consumer.browse.class = org.dspace.browse.BrowseConsumer
event.consumer.browse.filters = Item+Create|Modify|Modify_Metadata:Collection+Add|Remove

event.consumer.history.class = org.dspace.history.HistoryConsumer
event.consumer.history.filters = all+*

  1. email to subscribers – run this asynchronously once a day.
    event.consumer.mail.class = org.dspace.eperson.Subscribe
    event.consumer.mail.filters = Item+Modify|Modify_Metadata:Collection+Add|Remove
  1. example of a configuration with a couple of async consumers
    event.dispatcher.with-async.class = org.dspace.event.BasicDispatcher
    event.dispatcher.with-async.consumers = \
    search:sync, \
    browse:sync, \
    mail:async, \
    testALL:async, \

event.consumer.testALL.class = org.dspace.event.TestConsumer
event.consumer.testALL.filters = All+All

  1. dispatcher chosen by Packager main()
    packager.dispatcher = batch
  1. ActiveMQ JMS config:

jms.configuration = xbean:/activemq.xml

  1. local TCP-based broker, must start = tcp://localhost:61616


Start and run applications as usual.

To see events in action, alter the default dispatcher configuration to
include the testALL consumer, and make sure your DSpace log is
recording at the INFO level (at least). Then, watch the log while
doing anything that changes the data model; look for messages from
the TestConsumer class.

You can also run the test consumer as an asynch consumer in a separate
process to observe how asynchronous events are passed along in real
time, or accumulated between polls.


If you configure any asynchronous dispatchers, you'll have to run
the ActiveMQ broker on your server as well. There is a script
to start and stop it easily which has been add to the


directory of the source; it should get installed in the


subdirectory of the DSpace runtime hierarchy.


Check the default ActiveMQ configuration in


. The PostgreSQL
login in particular may need to be configured for your site.
ActiveMQ uses the database to keep tables of persistent events.
They are automatically maintained to discard expired events.

Startup and Shutdown=

To start the broker, run the command

dspace-install/bin/asynch-broker start


/dspace/bin/asynch-broker start

To stop the broker (perhaps to restart it), run the command

dspace-install/bin/asynch-broker stop

You can make these commands part of the regular startup and shutdown
procedure of your server; they are designed to be invoked from
System-V-type "rc.d" scripts as are used on Solaris and Linux. Just
be sure to run it as the same user who owns your DSpace processes.

Processing asynchronous events

To process asynchronous events, you can run one consumer at a time
with the command:

/dspace/bin/dsrun org.dspace.event.AsynchEventManager -c CONSUMER


/dspace/bin/dsrun org.dspace.event.AsynchEventManager -c mail

..substituting the consumer name for


, of course. Give
the command with the -h option for help on other arguments and
options, or see the comments in the source.


Here are some unresolved issues and problems in the prototype.
Your comments and proposed solutions are welcome!

1. Removing duplicate events

The code in


pre-filters the events by removing
any events which are duplicates – that is, identical to an
event already in the queue for this transaction in all respects except
for timestamp. The rationale is that a duplicate soaks up processing
resources and does not convey any additional information, even to
the History system, since events are so fine-grained. Furthermore,
the way in which the current applications (e.g. WebUI) use the
data model API seems to produce a lot of extraneous duplicate events
so this filtering does a lot of good.

2. Consumer execution environment

Consumer code runs in a somewhat strange environment:

3. Handling failures

Since the Event system forms a vital part of the core DSpace server,
any failure in event processing should register as a fatal error in
the transaction. Unfortunately, the events are, necessarily, triggered
after the database transaction commits. (This is necessary because
otherwise there would be a race condition between asynch event processors
looking at the data model and the process generating events, the asynch
consumer might see a pre-transaction view of the DB.)

Also, failures late in the cycle of a WebUI transaction do not
get rendered correctly as an error page because the servlet has already
generated some output and the attempt to send a different status and
an error page just sets off an illegal state exception. This problem is
inherent in the current implementation of the Web UI and would be very
hard to change.

Since the asynchronous event mechanism is the part most susceptible to
errors, depending as it does on network resources and complex configuration,
the Context code makes an attempt to exercise the dispatcher and asynch
delivery as much as possible before committing the transaction, to
flush out some fatal problems in time to abort it.

4. JMS requires explicit call to System.exit()

The ActiveMQ implementation uses shutdown hooks to terminate its
internal state, and if they are not called the result is a JVM that
hangs instead of shutting down because an ActiveMQ thread is still
waiting for input from a network peer.

The solution is simple: command-line applications must always


before terminating, and not just run off
the end of the


method. (Though the fact that there is this
distinction counts as a flaw in the Java runtime, IMHO; the Unix
system call they are aping has no such restriction.)

This prototype includes patches to add


calls to all
command-line applications that can generate events. It's a good idea
to fix any application that generates events at all, whether or not
you anticipate any of those events being asynchronous.

5. ActiveMQ needs a seperate broker process

The current configuration of ActiveMQ requires a separate "broker"
listening at a well-known TCP port. For the prototype, it is started

I'll investigate other ActiveMQ broker options (some of them simply don't
work for this application, however), and also code to start it
automatically or at least through a more friendly DSpace application.

6. Context current user in Consumer

When an asynch Consumer runs, its Context has the same CurrentUser set
that was set in the code that generated the event. Since Consumers should
not be doing anything that requires special privileges, this probably
won't be an issue, but it's worth noting.

7. Browse not all in a Consumer

One part of the Browse index updating cannot be put into a consumer because of an architectural problem: The Browse tables have foreign keys into the Item table. Deleting an Item thus breaks those foreign key references, so the Browse tables must be updated first. By the time a Browse update would be running in an event consumer, the Item table would have already have had to be updated to reflect the delete, which is impossible.

See the


method in



This is the only case in the DSpace core code where a search or browse index update could not be moved into an event consumer.

Future Work

The next tasks planned around the Event prototype are:

See Also