Version 1.6.1

We invite developers to help with the next maintenance release of DSpace. DSpace+1.6.1 is primarily a bug fix release to resolve any issues located within DSpace 1.6.0 (see DSpace+Release+1.6.0+Notes). Contributors are strongly encouraged to obtain the source code using SubVersion. This is very straightforward, and we've published a guide to doing so here:


Release Coordination

*Primary Release Coordinator: TBD
*Backup Release Coordinator: TBD

Timeline and Proceeding

Release Timeline:


Testathon details available at DSpace_Release_1.6.1_Testathon_Page

Release Process needs to proceed according to the following Maven release process ReleaseProcedure

New Features/Changes

To be decided

Known Issues


Also: Known bugs affecting 1.6.1


Changes which are currently marked for release in 1.6.1 are available on the 1.6.1 Release page in Jira
