
Time: 10:00am Eastern Time (US)

Please see the calendar invite for the Zoom link.


  1. Laurie Arp 
  2. Chris Awre 
  3. Thomas Bernhart
  4. Danny Bernstein 
  5. Robert Cartolano 
  6. Dan Coughlin
  7. Jon Dunn  apologies
  8. Dan Field
  9. Raman Ganguly
  10. Jennifer Gilbert
  11. Emily Gore
  12. Arran Griffith
  13. Mark Jordan
  14. Danny Lamb
  15. Rosalyn Metz 
  16. Robert Miller
  17. Este Pope 
  18. Scott Prater
  19. Robin Ruggaber 
  20. Oliver Schöner
  21. Tim Shearer
  22. Dustin Slater 
  23. Jennifer Vinopal 
  24. Ben Wallberg
  25. David Wilcox
  26. Maurice York





5 minsDavid

Fedora Roadmap Planning

During this exercise we will break into smaller groups to brainstorm how to uncover/include unheard voices in “whats next for Fedora” planning. Then, having identified these community voices, we will brainstorm how best to reach out to each of them. 

Goal: Gather information on how to best approach community outreach to assist in planning for the future of Fedora.

45 mins



Fedora 6.0 Status Update

Danny will provide an update on the current status of the Fedora 6.0 release and related tools.

Goal: Answer any questions and ensure everyone is up-to-date on the release plan.

10 minsDanny
Break (10 mins)10 mins

Quarterly Financial Report Update - as of 3/31/21

Brief summary of the most recent quarterly financial report.

Goal: Answer any questions and ensure Leaders understand the current state of the Fedora financials.

10 minsDavid

Gathering Fedora User Stories

This 2nd exercise will be a group discussion meant to gather information as well as test-run a proposed Information Gathering session we intend to hold for community and non-community members.

The following questions will be asked of the group:

  1. What are 3 things that are going well in your repository program?
  2. What are 3 current challenges/concerns with your repository program?
  3. What are 3 things you are hoping to tackle in the next 12-24 months?

Goal: Gather feedback on the proposed content of the exercise and determine if it will meet the needs of the information required to shape the future planning for Fedora.

30 mins
Wrap-up, Action Items10 minsDavid

Previous Action Items


Exercise 1: Jamboard Exercise Notes - https://drive.google.com/file/d/199n0OvdLLueZD_pFni8qKY-bXArSewGP/view?usp=sharing

Group 1

Question 1: What communities/groups of people that use Fedora

Question 2: Missing Voices

Question 3: What outlets can we use to connect?

Group 2

Question 1: What communities/groups of people that use Fedora

Question 2: Missing Voices

Sensemaking Draft Slides.

Fedora 6.0 - Release Candidate out now!

Quarterly Financial Report Update - as of 3/31/21

Financial Update from David

Membership Dues - budget for $376K and raised $340K so it's a little less but overall pretty good.
This shortage is offset a bit by salary savings, which is temporary but puts the current budget in good space combined with extra money from lack of travel.

As of this report we are a little less than $50K in operational income, largely because of the grant and help in paying salary for David. This and next year's budget looking good, again largely because of grant. After next year, the grant is complete and we will need to offset expenses or raise more funds.

Gathering Fedora User Stories

Last Year Etse and Rosalyn met with Fedora members that had not be able to attend a virtual gathering. Most recent exercise made it seems like this has been a productive experience and potentially continue

What are three things that are going well in your repository program?

What are three current challenges/concerns with your repository program?

What are the three things you are hoping to tackle in the next 12-24 months?

Common Themes
System Integration
Fedora sharing information up and down the stack
Finding ways to segment our content/data

Potential Areas
Affordances of large and federal datasets may be different - do we need to keep everything forever
Keeping things releasable and in the cloud

Discussion at the end on several people wanting to get members from Islandora and Samvera community together for a discussion, not technical, in nature.

Action Items