DSpace Continuous Integration

Definition of Continuous Integration (CI): Martin Fowler

Currently DuraSpace uses Bamboo, a CI product from Atlassian, makers of Jira and Confluence.

How it is done

Whenever a new checkin occurs to DSpace SVN, DuraSpace's Bamboo will check out the project and attempt to build it, logging the success or failure of the build. If the build succeeds, the build artifacts (jar files, war files) will be saved for a period of time.

When a build fails, an email is automatically sent to the 'dspace-changelog' listserv to notify the developers & committers. Once the problem is fixed, a 'build successful' email will be sent to the same listserv.

The build reports are available on the web as a traditional website or as RSS feeds:

DSpace 1.x

DSpace 2


DSpace 1.x