DSpace Continuous Integration

Definition of Continuous Integration (CI): Martin Fowler

Currently DuraSpace uses Bamboo, a CI product from Atlassian, makers of Jira and Confluence.

How it is done

Whenever a new checkin occurs to DSpace SVN, DuraSpace's Bamboo will check out the project and attempt to build and unit test it, logging the success or failure of the build & test. If it succeeds, the build artifacts (jar files, war files) will be saved for a period of time.

When a build or unit test fails, an email is automatically sent to the 'dspace-changelog' listserv to notify the developers & committers. Once the problem is fixed, a 'build successful' email will be sent to the same listserv.

The build reports are available on the web as a traditional website or as RSS feeds:

DSpace 1.x

DSpace 2


DSpace 1.x