DSpace Java Style Guide (Adopted 2018, for DSpace 7.x and above)

As of Feb 2018, the below DSpace Java Style Guide is enforced on all Pull Requests to the "main" branch. Therefore, if a Pull Request to the "main" branch does not align with the below Style Guide, it will fail the build process within our GitHub CI.

  1. 4-space indents for Java, and 2-space indents for XML. NO TABS ALLOWED.
  2. K&R style braces required. Braces are required on all blocks.

    if (code) {
      // code
    } else {
      // code

  3. Maximum length of lines is 120 characters (except for long URLs, packages or imports)

  4. No trailing spaces allowed (except in comments)
  5. Do not use wildcard imports (e.g. import java.util.*). Duplicated or unused imports are not allowed.
  6. Write Javadocs for public methods and classes. Keep it short and to the point.
    1. Javadoc @author tags are optional, but should refer to an individual's name or handle (e.g. GitHub username) when included
  7. Tokens should be surrounded by whitespace, e.g. http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config_whitespace.html#WhitespaceAround

    // This is NOT valid. Whitespace around tokens is missing
    String []={"one","two","three"}
    // This is valid. Whitespace exists around all tokens
    String [] = { "one", "two", "three" }

  8. Each line of code can only include one statement.  This also means each variable declaration must be on its own line, e.g.

    // This is NOT valid. Three variables are declared on one line
    String first = "", second = "", third = "";
    // This is valid. Each statement is on its own line
    String first = "";
    String second = "";
    String third = "";

  9. No empty "catch" blocks in try/catch.  A "catch" block must minimally include a comment as to why the catch is empty, e.g. 

    try {
      // some code ..
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // ignore, this exception is not important

  10. All "switch" statements must include a "defaut" clause.  Also, each clause in a switch must include a "break", "return", "throw" or "continue" (no fall throughs allowed), e.g.

    // This is NOT valid. Switch doesn't include a "default" and is missing a "break" in first "case"
    switch (myVal) {
      case "one":
         // do something
      case "two":
         // do something else
    // This is valid. Switch has all necessary breaks and includes a "default" clause
    switch (myVal) {
      case "one":
         // do something
      case "two":
         // do something else
         // do nothing

  11. Any "utility" classes (a utility class is one that just includes static methods or variables) should have non-public (i.e. private or protected) constructors, e.g.

    // This is an example class of static constants
    public class Constants {
       public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8";
       public static final String ANOTHER_CONSTANT = "Some value";
       // As this is a utility class, it MUST have a constructor that is non-public.
       private Constants() { }

  12. Each source file must contain the required DSpace license header, e.g.

     * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
     * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
     * tree and available online at
     * http://www.dspace.org/license/

Old DSpace Java Style Guide (for versions 6.x and prior)

Per the Code Contribution Guidelines page (see "Coding Conventions" section), our existing style guide is listed as follows:

Your code needs to follow the Sun Java code conventions with the following minor modifications:

Your code should be well commented with Javadoc (including package and class overviews). All code contributions must come with Documentation. At a bare minimum, this should include Technical Documentation covering all configuration options and/or setup. See Documentation Contributions below for more details.

These older style guidelines were based heavily on the Sun coding conventions (circa 1999) which are no longer maintained, but still available at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/codeconvtoc-136057.html

Because the Sun Java style guide is no longer maintained, it will not be keeping up with current Java style best practices, features, etc.  

In 2018, we decided to update our guide based on / inspired by these two guides:


IDE Support

Most major IDEs include plugins that support Checkstyle configurations. The plugin usually let you import an existing "checkstyle.xml" configuration to configure your IDE to use and/or validate against that style.

IntelliJ IDEA

(These instructions are based on IntelliJ 2021.2.3.  They should apply to other recent versions, but some menus or settings may have changed.)


These instructions were created using Eclipse Neon.  Note: Eclipse Che (Codenvy) does not seem to support checkstyle.

Tested and works to validate code. To format you must generate a formatter style following the steps here. It seems impossible to force eclipse to use braces on sinle-line if statement

(Please help us enhance these instructions to provide a step-by-step configuration for Eclipse)


These instructions worked for NetBeans 8.2.

The plugin still works in Apache NetBeans 12.6.  It can be obtained at https://www.sickboy.cz/checkstyle/download.html.  The instructions above should still work.

Checking code style from commandline

If you do not use one of the above IDEs to write your code, you can always verify your code from the command-line using the following Maven command.  This command can be run from the root source directory ([dspace-source]) to check all source code, or from within an individual module (e.g. [dspace-source]/dspace-api/) to only check that module.

# If the below checkstyle:check command complains about missing SNAPSHOT dependencies, then you may need to first run:
# mvn install

# This checks the code style of all source code under the current directory
# It also ensures all source code has the required license header.
mvn -U checkstyle:check license:check

Fixing existing code / PRs

Use IntelliJ to perform bulk cleanup