The software DSpace relies on does not come out of the box optimized for large repositories. Here are some tips to make it all run faster.

Bare Minimum Requirements

As of this writing, DSpace 7 is likely to require 4GB of memory at a bare minimum. However, with that little memory, you may quickly hit memory issues with any significant user activity or bulk uploading.  So, we recommend running DSpace with 6-8GB (or more for very large or very active sites).

This minimum would roughly include...

Keep in mind, because the frontend & backend can be run on separate servers, you can split this memory across two (or more) servers.  You can even choose to run PostgreSQL or Solr either alongside the backend or on their own dedicated server.

Performance Tuning the Frontend (UI)

Give Node.js more memory

On machines with >2GB of memory available, Node will only use a maximum of 2GB of memory by default (see  This 2GB of memory should be enough to build & run the User Interface, but it's possible that highly active sites may require 4GB or more.

If you want to increase the memory available to Node.js, you can set the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable:

# Increase memory limit to 4GB

Performance Tuning the Backend (REST API)

Give Tomcat More Memory

Give Tomcat More Java Heap Memory

At the time of writing, DSpace recommends you should give Tomcat >= 512MB of Java Heap Memory to ensure optimal DSpace operation. Most larger sized or highly active DSpace installations however tend to allocate more like 1024MB (1GB) to 2048MB (2G) or more of Java Heap Memory.

Performance tuning in Java basically boils down to memory. If you are seeing "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" errors, this is a sure sign that Tomcat isn't being provided with enough Heap Memory.

Tomcat is especially memory hungry, and will benefit from being given lots of RAM. To set the amount of memory available to Tomcat, use either the JAVA_OPTS or CATALINA_OPTS environment variable, e.g:

CATALINA_OPTS=-Xmx512m -Xms512m


JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512m -Xms512m

The above example sets the maximum Java Heap memory to 512MB.

You can use either environment variable. JAVA_OPTS is also used by other Java programs (besides just Tomcat). CATALINA_OPTS is only used by Tomcat. So, if you only want to tweak the memory available to Tomcat, it is recommended that you use CATALINA_OPTS. If you set both CATALINA_OPTS and JAVA_OPTS, Tomcat will default to using the settings in CATALINA_OPTS.

If the machine is dedicated to DSpace a decent rule of thumb is to give tomcat half of the memory on your machine. At a minimum, you should give Tomcat >= 512MB of memory for optimal DSpace operation. (NOTE: As your DSpace instance gets larger in size, you may need to increase this number to the several GB range.) The latest guidance is to also set -Xms to the same value as -Xmx for server applications such as Tomcat.

Give Tomcat More Java PermGen Memory

At the time of writing, DSpace recommends you should give Tomcat >= 128MB of PermGen Space to ensure optimal DSpace operation.

If you are seeing "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" errors, this is a sure sign that Tomcat is running out PermGen Memory. (More info on PermGen Space:

To increase the amount of PermGen memory available to Tomcat (default=64MB), use either the JAVA_OPTS or CATALINA_OPTS environment variable, e.g:




The above example sets the maximum PermGen memory to 128MB.

You can use either environment variable. JAVA_OPTS is also used by other Java programs (besides just Tomcat). CATALINA_OPTS is only used by Tomcat. So, if you only want to tweak the memory available to Tomcat, it is recommended that you use CATALINA_OPTS. If you set both CATALINA_OPTS and JAVA_OPTS, Tomcat will default to using the settings in CATALINA_OPTS.

Please note that you can obviously set both Tomcat's Heap space and PermGen Space together similar to:
CATALINA_OPTS=-Xmx512m -Xms512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

On an Ubuntu machine (10.04) at least, the file /etc/default/tomcat6 appears to be the best place to put these environmental variables.

Choosing the size of memory spaces allocated to DSpace Backend

psi-probe is a webapp that can be deployed in DSpace and be used to watch memory usage of the other webapps deployed in the same instance of Tomcat (in our case, the DSpace server webapp).

  1. Download the latest version of psi-probe from
  2. Unzip probe.war into [dspace]/webapps/

    cd [dspace]/webapps/
    unzip ~/
    unzip probe.war -d probe

  3. Add a Context element in Tomcat's configuration, and make it privileged (so that it can monitor the other webapps):
    EITHER in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml

    <Context docBase="[dspace]/webapps/probe" privileged="true" path="/probe" />

    OR in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/probe.xml

    <Context docBase="[dspace]/webapps/probe" privileged="true" />

  4. Edit $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml to add a user for logging into psi-probe (see more in

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
      <user username="admin" password="t0psecret" roles="manager" />

  5. Restart Tomcat
  6. Open (edit domain and port number as necessary) in your browser and use the username and password from tomcat-users.xml to log in.

In the "System Information" tab, go to the "Memory utilization" menu. Note how much memory Tomcat is using upon startup and use a slightly higher value than that for the -Xms parameter (initial Java heap size). Watch how big the various memory spaces get over time (hours or days), as you run various common DSpace tasks that put load on memory, including indexing, reindexing, importing items into the oai index etc. These maximum values will determine the -Xmx parameter (maximum Java heap size). Watching PS Perm Gen grow over time will let you choose the value for the -XX:MaxPermSize parameter.

Give the Command Line Tools More Memory

Give the Command Line Tools More Java Heap Memory

Similar to Tomcat, you may also need to give the DSpace Java-based command-line tools more Java Heap memory. If you are seeing "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" errors, when running a command-line tool, this is a sure sign that it isn't being provided with enough Heap Memory.

By default, DSpace only provides 256MB of maximum heap memory to its command-line tools.

If you'd like to provide more memory to command-line tools, you can do so via the JAVA_OPTS environment variable (which is used by the [dspace]/bin/dspace script). Again, it's the same syntax as above:

JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512m -Xms512m

This is especially useful for big batch jobs, which may require additional memory.

You can also edit the [dspace]/bin/dspace script and add the environmental variables to the script directly.

Give the Command Line Tools More Java PermGen Space Memory

Similar to Tomcat, you may also need to give the DSpace Java-based command-line tools more PermGen Space. If you are seeing "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" errors, when running a command-line tool, this is a sure sign that it isn't being provided with enough PermGen Space.

By default, Java only provides 64MB of maximum PermGen space.

If you'd like to provide more PermGen Space to command-line tools, you can do so via the JAVA_OPTS environment variable (which is used by the [dspace]/bin/dspace script). Again, it's the same syntax as above:


This is especially useful for big batch jobs, which may require additional memory.

Please note that you can obviously set both Java's Heap space and PermGen Space together similar to:
JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512m -Xms512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

Give PostgreSQL Database More Memory

On many Linux distros PostgreSQL comes out of the box with an incredibly conservative configuration - it uses only 8Mb of memory! To put some more fire in its belly edit the shared_buffers parameter in postgresql.conf. The memory usage is 8KB multiplied by this value. The advice in the Postgres docs is not to increase it above 1/3 of the memory on your machine.

For more hints/tips with PostgreSQL configurations and performance tuning, see also: