Version 1.8.0

DSpace 1.8.0 is a scheduled, "time-based" release. In order to decrease delays in releasing new features and increase transparency, the DSpace Developers have scheduled 1.8.0 in advance and are basing its features on what we are able to complete within that timeframe.

Scheduling releases benefits us all as it should decrease the delays in releasing new features, and increase the transparency of the development process. The DSpace Developers feel that these benefits will far outweigh the cost of potentially having fewer major features in a given DSpace release. We hope the DSpace Community will also realize the immediate benefits, which should allow them to receive new features more quickly, rather than potentially waiting years for the next major release of the software. The DSpace Developers hope to continue this trend of "time based" releases with all future releases.

New features in DSpace 1.8

New Features are yet to be determined. If you have ideas or code you'd like to see make it into DSpace 1.8.0, please submit it to our Issue Tracker

Organizational Details

Release Coordination

Timeline and Proceeding

Privately, the Committers called a vote on timelines. It has been decided that DSpace 1.8.0 will be released in Oct 2011. The exact date is still being worked out. What follows is a tentative release timeline - it may change slightly, but the final release will come out sometime in Oct 2011.

Release Process needs to proceed according to the following Maven release process: Release Procedure

Potential Changes and New Features

These changes/features are not finalized. These are just what committers/developers are working on in anticipation for a 1.8 release

Developers: Add what you are working on to this list. Please try and link off to additional documentation (on Wiki) or related JIRA issues.