JIRA Reference: https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-560

Proposed: The original JIRA ticket advocates to put the frontpage news in the dspace.cfg and remove the requirement to restart DSpace to see it in effect. In fact, the news feature in XMLUI is a lot less user friendly than the (albeit basic) web interface for editing news in the JSPUI. If you look at it even more broadly you could state that a DSpace frontpage is by far not as customizable as modern web portal frontpages.

Currently present in JSPUI


Currently present in XMLUI (Mirage)

Examples of changes or improvements in the community

Many XMLUI instances out there have nice frontpages and might also have customized the way to edit them. Some code might already be out there. Their developers might be motivated to contribute or work on this.

A modest look at other players in the field




DCAT discussion preparation

This request touches more broadly on the look & feel of a DSpace frontpage and the essence can be broken down into 3 questions:

- Ideally, what should the DSpace frontpage look like?
- How much out of the box configuration should be possible?
- Which tools or modus operandi should an administrator use to alter the homepage?

DCAT review: ToDo

DCAT initial assessment: ToDo

Next steps: We would like to hear the community's opinions and thoughts on this, and we'd like to try using the DSpace code committers' method for indicating your level of support, since that will help make it easy for them to understand where we're coming from on these: