Date & Time

All are welcome to join!

DCAT is dedicating our monthly calls for the next year to support all (IR managers, developers, etc.) who are implementing DSpace 7.x

Zoom meeting:

We will be using the DSpace Zoom Meeting Room for our meeting.

Meeting location: 

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: (Meeting ID: 502 527 3040) Passcode: dspace

Zoom information: DSpace Meeting Room


Preparing for the call

If you can join the call, or are willing to comment on the topics submitted via the meeting page, please add your name, institution, and repository URL to the Call Attendees section below.  

Meeting notes

Call Attendees

Maureen Walsh The Ohio State University Libraries

Kristi Park Texas Digital Library

Tim Donohue LYRASIS

Natalie Baur LYRASIS

Irene Buso 4Science

Fede Federico Verlicchi 4Science

Anne Lawrence Virginia Tech

Iryna Kuchma EIFL

emilio lorenzo Arvo

Isabelle Lorrain

Melissa Anez LYRASIS

Ying Jin Rice University

Fredrick Odongo Okite Uganda Christian University

Pierre Lasou Université Laval

James Holobetz University of Regina
