The Fedora Commons source code for the current version of the Fedora Repository can be downloaded using the download link under "downloads" on the main page for the current version.

The source is hosted on github.

Checking out the code

If you wish to work with the source code, you will need to install git.

You can clone (create your own local git repository) of the Fedora source using

git clone


git clone

The main development line of Fedora is the "master" branch

cd fcrepo
git checkout master

Downloading the source without using git

If you want to get a copy of the latest source code without using git you can download a tarball of the source code.

To download the current main development line ("master" branch):

curl -L -o fcrepo-source-master.tar.gz

To download a branch (substituting in the appropriate branch-name, eg "maintenance-3.4" for the current 3.4 maintenance branch)


Note that if you are intending to work with the source code, rather than just view the source or build the Fedora Repository from it, you will need to get a copy using git as above.