A session chair's main job is to make sure that the session runs smoothly, that presenters are there, they can display their slides, follow the programme and introduce them, and keep the timing. Checklist below is to help session chairs before, during and after the event. 

Please note that details on the guideline are specific to the current year’s OR Conference.  

Before the Conference 

On the day - Chairing the session

Duration of the talks

Presentations 15 minutes + 5 min Q&A

Dev track 10 minutes + 5 min Q&A

24x7 7 minutes + 3 min Q&A

Panels 90 min in total

After the Conference

[Email template to the speakers - except workshops and poster session]

Open Repositories 2023 - SESSION NAME Logistics

Dear All, 

I’ll be the session chair for the SESSION NAME that you’re scheduled to present in the OR2023 Conference and I wanted to share a few admin/logistics details.

The Conference Programme is available at https://or2023.openrepositories.org/programme-2/. Session listing in the conference program:

Session Name:

Date: DD MM



The room will have a projector screen and a laptop that you can present from. You will not be able to present from your own laptop. If you must use your own device, let me know or email or23-program-chairs@googlegroups.com to ensure someone is ready to set it up. You can bring your laptop to use at the conference and to charge at the conference venue. Please remember to bring your own charging device converter (in South Africa the power plug sockets are of type D, M and N). Technical support will be available in your room for the full duration of your session.

I’ll be in the room 10 minutes prior to the session. If we don’t have a chance to speak before that, please come and find me around the presenting area for final arrangements regarding your slide uploads if needed, running order in the session etc. 

Slides will be added to Open Repositories Zenodo collection at https://zenodo.org/communities/openrepos after the conference. Default licence used is CC BY 4.0 licence unless you have a different preference. 

Presentations should be Xmin + ~Xmin for audience questions. I’ll keep time and signal you when the time is up. 

Unless anyone has a different suggestion or needs to leave early, we’ll use the order

listed here in the program. 

Looking forward to seeing you in Stellenbosch. Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime or if there’s any special information that I should know about your presentation. 

If you can’t reach me for any reason, please contact the Programme Committee at or23-program-chairs@googlegroups.com.   

[Email template to the speakers - for workshops]

Open Repositories 2023 - SESSION NAME Logistics

Dear All, 

I’ll be the session chair for the SESSION NAME that you’re scheduled to present in the OR2023 Conference and I wanted to share a few admin/logistics details.

The Conference Programme is available at https://or2023.openrepositories.org/programme-2/. Session listing in the conference program:

Session Name:

Date: DD MM



The room will have a projector screen and a laptop that you can present from. You can also plug in your own laptop, but please remember to bring a charging device converter for your laptop if you are travelling from abroad (in South Africa the power plug sockets are of type D, M and N).  The information to connect to the conference Wifi will be shared with you at the registration desk on the morning of your workshop. Technical support will be available in your room for the duration of the workshop. I’ll be in the room 30 minutes prior to the workshop. 

Your workshop presentation slides and other materials will be added to Open Repositories Zenodo collection at https://zenodo.org/communities/openrepos after the conference. Default licence used is CC BY 4.0 licence unless you have a different preference. 

If you are running a hands-on workshop session and not planning to use any slides or other materials, please let me know. 

Looking forward to seeing you in Stellenbosch. Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime or if there’s any special information that I should know about your presentation. 

If you can’t reach me for any reason, please contact the Programme Committee at or23-program-chairs@googlegroups.com.