
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


**Each week a meeting chair will be assigned based on a rotating schedule.**

(star) - denotes note taker


  1. Announcements:
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
  3. Updates on:

    1. HTML UI Face Lift - Ideas Doc
      1. Related tickets:
    2. Tombstone Tickets discussion - Mike
      1. Related Tickets:
    3. Open Tickets (but assigned in some cases): 
    4.  In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets:

    5. In Review:

  4. New tickets:

  5. Backlog Tickets to consider working: NA at present
  6. Next Meeting Chair:
    1. Chair: Doron Shalvi
    2. Note Taker: Mike Ritter

See Rotating Schedule here 


  1. Announcements:
    1. Registration for Fedora Virtual Showcase is now open. It will span 3 half days.
    2. Islandora interest group for LACGLAM. Sept 7th meeting at 2pm est, asking for people from tech meeting to come join. Discuss benefits of fedora staying in the stack.
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
    1. CVE-2018-1270 - we don't seem to have spring-messaging jar in fedora 4.7.5, so the issue likely doesn't apply. But it is probably fine to update the jars in the war file.
    2. Migration Updates:
      1. Calvin - Just finished migrating items to fedora 6. Setting up camel toolbox, audit service.
  3. Updates on:

    1. HTML UI Face Lift
      1. No updates
    2. Tombstone Tickets discussion
      1. Next step is to write integration tests for these tickets
    3. Open Tickets (but assigned in some cases)
      1. FCREPO-3901 - Dan has picked it up, will ask questions on the ticket to mimic setup
      2. FCREPO-3884 - On hold
      3. FCREPO-3864 - No updates
    4. In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets
    5. In Review:
      1. FCREPO-3891 - closed
      2. FCREPO-3850 - No updates
      3. FCREPO-3849 - No updates
    6. Going to start running more performance tests, as a reference point for some future grant requests for larger scale testing.